*VIRTUAL* – Lean Six Sigma Black Belt – 10 Days

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Online Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Become a recognised expert in process improvement and problem solving?

This is a live on-line program which assumes that participants have already covered the content of Green Belt training.

This course is designed to provide Green Belts with the additional knowledge to gain a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification. This will make a valuable addition to your personal CV with a highly sought after qualification.

Learners are given an in-depth understanding of the methods and how to apply them.

Black Belts have the capabilities to fix the most complex cross-functional problems that organisations face. In particular Black Belts have advanced data analysis techniques at their fingertips which can be applied in data rich environments.

What will you learn?

Through this training you will build on your Green Belt skills and add powerful analytical tools to your portfolio. There are five modules:

  • Introduction to Data Analysis – Revisited
  • Statistical Process Control
  • Comparative Methods
  • Sources of Variation
  • Design of Experiments

Our content for this training has been bench marked against the best. We do not cut corners. We want our Black Belts to proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with the highest levels out there.

How does it work?

The program is delivered as a series of video conferencing sessions with email support where required.

You will be part of a small select cohort of participants.

Each of the 5 modules above are delivered in 2 x full day sessions.

A full set of colour printed notes will be provided for each module.

The necessary platform used for this training is Minitab. A free 30 day trial is available from Minitab, however participants will require access beyond 30 days.

A Training Completion Certificate is issued on completion of the course.

Optionally, a full Black Belt Certificate will be awarded on submission of an acceptable project report. We will provide details of the requirements and criteria.

Who should participate?

We want to work with people who are interested in making a significant and measurable improvement in their organisation.

This could be someone looking for personal career development and who, through this program, can demonstrate their ability to grow, develop and contribute.

We are looking for people who are interested in gaining knowledge and learning new skills.

Academic qualifications are not required, but a general level of numeracy and familiarity with using Excel are required.

Participants should expect to be exposed to some sophisticated data analysis techniques and some background reading and practice on Minitab may be required.

Duration: 10 Days – 2 day sessions

Cost: £2,500 + Vat


Online Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Virtual Six Sigma Black Belt Training

Six Sigma Black Belt Virtual Training Course

Six Sigma Black Belt Online Training Course

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