An Introduction to the MF/1 form of contract

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MF/1 Contract Training 

MF/1 is a key industry Standard Model Form of General Conditions of Contract for the supply of electrical, electronic or mechanical plant with erection. The current version is Revision 5 (2011). MF/1 is published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

The course is intended for those with no or only limited experience of mechanical and electrical engineering contracts, and will provide an overview of the contract form and key factors in terms of:

  •  The type of work for which the MF/1 form of contract is traditionally used;
  • The key rights and obligations of the parties;
  • The structures of the contract conditions;
  • The documents which form a contract incorporating the form of contract;
  • The payment mechanisms;
  • The liabilities of the parties;
  • Putting a contract together;
  • Managing a contract incorporating the MF/1 Form of Contract.

The course will be presented by Gordon H Bateman, C Eng, FICE, FCIArb, AMIChemE.

Gordon is a chartered engineer in private practice as a consultant, trainer and adjudicator. He lectures frequently on contract law, on forms of contract and on contract management both in the UK and overseas, and advises on contractual matters – particularly the drafting of contracts using the IChemE forms.

He is chairman of the IChemE Contracts Committee, which drafts the various forms of contract published by IChemE; is a member of the IChemE Dispute Resolution Panel; a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers Committee which oversees the ICE Civil Engineering Law and Contract Management examination; and is listed as an adjudicator by the IChemE and ICE.

He is a Past Chairman of the Thames Valley Branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Until 2007 he was Thames Water’s in-house specialist on engineering and construction contracts, advising the UK and international businesses on contracts and procurement.

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £295 + VAT

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