*VIRTUAL* – APS Accredited – Building Safety Act & PD Building Regulations 2023 – 2 Days

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Online Accredited Building Safey Act Training Course

Course Aim:

To cover the relevant requirements of the Building Safety Act and supporting secondary legislation, together with latest guidance and an overview of the Building Regulations.

Appreciate the role of the Enforcement Bodies, the Client, together with the required competence, legal duties and application of the Building Regulations (BR) by the Principal Designer and Designer with the Client, Principal Contractor and their Contractors for All Buildings.

Course Objective:

By the end of the two days, you will have an understanding of the legal requirements of the Client with the Building Regulations (BR) Principal Designer and Designer under the Building Safety Act, the Secondary Legislation and latest Guidance.

This will be in relation to All Buildings and the additional duties for Higher-Risk Buildings and together briefly on the latest Fire Safety Legislation and Guidance.

Purpose & Reason Why:

Client’s appointed Principal Designers and Designers are required to demonstrate they have relevant Skills, Knowledge, Experience and Behaviours (SKEB) and take all reasonable steps to comply with their duties.

It is not only legal & moral duty but reduces the risk of Fire and / or Structural issues that can delay projects and incur additional costs during their project and the asset lifecycle, including PI insurance.

Course Syllabus 

Day One:

  • Introductions, Aim, Objective & Reason Why – The Pre-Course Assessment
  • References – Current Legislation, Secondary Legislation Consultation, Factsheets and BSI Competency Flex 8671 / 8672 / 8673
  • Previous Building Events & Ongoing Issues
  • Relevant Legislation – BS-Fire & H&S etc / Overview of the BSA & Secondary Legislation etc.
  • Relevant Key BS Guidance.


  • Part 2 of – New Building Safety Regulator Including Roadmap & Building Control, Compliance with BSA and Building Regulations.
  • New Building Control & Regulation Regime with Registered Building Inspectors
  • Traditional Arrangements for All Buildings and separately on HRBs.


  • BSA – Part 3 – Building Act 1984 – Changes by the BSA 2022.
  • Building Regulations changes by the BA 1984 and the BSA 2022. Building Regulations – Meaning of “Building Work”.
  • Existing Building Information & Surveys
  • Client/Developer, Principal Accountable Person & AP, Designer, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor & Contractor Competency and Duties


  • Principal Designer, Principal Contractor & Contractor Competency and Duties Cont’d
  • BSA Part 4 – Major and Notifiable Changes. Outline of the Construction Control Plan, Mandatory Occurrence Reporting, Golden Thread Information and Fire Emergency File. Safety Case and Tenant Engagement Strategies.
  • Summary with Q&A

Day Two: 

  • Review of Day One – Agenda & Syllabus
  • BSA Part 4 – Golden Thread Information and Fire Emergency File. Safety Case and Tenant Engagement Strategies – Cont’d.
  • Fire Safety Legislation – Fire Safety Order, Fire Safety Act and Fire Safety Regulations


  • Procurement and duty holder appointments
  • The requirements and responsibilities for providing the Building Information, pr.
  • Design Risk Management (DRM) – Using ERIC’ / ‘IERCI’ – ‘ALARP’– ‘‘RAG’ lists
  • Design Change Control requirements


  • Embracing and enhancing H&S/BS via Digital Engineering – IM & IRs – ISO 19650 & BIM incl. Fire Safety
  • DRM – Project Syndicate Exercise – development of the BI & using DRM tools to help identify hazards & their significant building risks to assist the PC developing the CCP & require delegate project case studies and their input and participation.
  • Case Studies – Syndicate Exercises


  • The content, purpose and development of the Fire & Emergency file for future use.
  • Summary – Q&A
  • Course open book assessment
  • Q&A Summary with Q&A

Tutor Profile:

Stephen Coppin MSc, BEng (Hons), FCABE C.BuildE FCIOB, CFIOSH, FIIRSM, FMaPS, CIWFM, MInstRE

Experienced and qualified Mechanical Engineer, Construction Manager and Design Risk Advisor with a BEng(Hons in Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s in General Engineering.

Previously Technical Director and Partner, incl. Head of H&S /Compliance for various organisations such as Lend Lease, Vinci, Land & Marine, Rider Levitt Bucknall and Arcadis incl. DWP, as National EHS Manager for Jobcentre Plus Programme. Also served as an ex-Regular Military Engineer & Head of SHEF-Tutor for the Royal Engineers Reserves. Extensive cross sector experience on procurement, design, construction and asset management (Real Estate & FM) for small to very large portfolios.

Previous chair of CIOB’s Health, Safety & Wellbeing Expert Panel and active on the HSE’s BIM4 Working Group, incl. 4D Planning workshops, incl. various professional working bodies/groups on the CDM, TWf and the Building Safety legislation.

Key international speaker on Design for Safety & Digital Engineering incl. a master class for BSA/IOSH & Ministry of Manpower (MoM) at the Design for Safety (DfS) conference in Singapore and recently in Hong Kong at CIC’s Sustainable Construction Conference, incl. Webinars & face to face Masterclasses with advice on DfS.

Co-author for various CIOB CM, APS, ROSPA, IOSH articles and publications on BIM, CDM and occupational health dust reduction at source, incl. APS Practice Note on Surveys, co-author for a OH&S case study published by IOSH for the policy & practice journal, HSE’s BIM4 Wk Gp Clients Guidance for EIR’s and currently for PIR’s and APS Practice Note on Design Risk Management. A IRCA SSIP assessor and BR Principal Designer assessor for the APS.

Developed and delivered bespoke and accredited CDM and Building Safety – Building Regulations Designer, Principal Designer and Principal Contractor training, including the suite of CITBs, CIOB courses & bespoke DRM to DfS Masterclasses, courses and workshops.

Course Duration: 2 Days

Cost: £595 + Vat

Please Note:

Due to the amount of critical content and basic detail we need to cover in two days to understand who is responsible to do what and when to comply with the above legislation, we unfortunately do not have enough time to cover all the content in various documentation and detail within all the Building Regulations from part A to T and various building works categories and scenarios.

We strongly suggest attending the optional one-day non-accredited course, which can cover in detail the above and on the OPSS and their code of conduct to Building surveying observations of building specifications related to cladding and externals, incl. case studies such as building works are under the Competent Person Scheme to MTCs to Exempt Works, and Scheme Works to Emergency Repairs. What is Category A and Category B works to what are the contents of the Construction Control Plan, Control log and Mandatory Reporting System for HRBs.

Please click here for additional BSA Courses.




Accredited Building Safey Act Training Course


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