*New* SharePoint 2016 End User Core Skills Level 2

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SharePoint 2016 End User Core Skills Level 2

Course Description:
This course has been designed specifically for delegates who wish to learn how to use SharePoint 2016. This course and manual were written around Office 365 of which SharePoint 2016 is a part.

Target Audience:
Delegates who have previous experience using SharePoint and require more advanced topics.

⦁ Users should be
⦁ able to use a keyboard and mouse
⦁ familiar with any version of Microsoft Office
⦁ familiar with an Internet Browser
⦁ familiar with SharePoint 2016
⦁ familiar with Office 365

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are the following:

Module 1: Managing Delve
⦁ Understanding the Delve (previously My Site or Personal Site)
⦁ Delve Overview
⦁ Using Delve for Documents
⦁ Boards and Favourites
⦁ My Profile
⦁ Follow
⦁ Mentions
⦁ Using Search
⦁ Delve Settings
Module 2: Sites and Workspaces
⦁ The SharePoint Site Topology
⦁ Blog Sites
⦁ Sites and Workspaces
⦁ SharePoint Groups Vs SharePoint Team Site
Module 3: Advanced Apps
⦁ Project Tasks
⦁ Discussion Boards
⦁ Surveys
⦁ Custom Lists
Module 4: Manage Columns (Classic & Modern Experience)
⦁ Manage Columns
⦁ Lookup Columns
⦁ Calculated Columns
⦁ Rating Columns
Module 5: Workflows & Flow
⦁ Understanding Workflows
⦁ Customise ‘Out-of-the-Box’ Workflows
⦁ Managing the Workflow Lifecycle
⦁ Flow Overview
⦁ Flow Templates
⦁ Create a Simple Flow
⦁ Create a Document Flow
⦁ Edit a Flow
⦁ Switch Flow On/Off
⦁ Delete a Flow
Module 6: Content Administration
⦁ List and Library Settings
⦁ Versioning Settings
⦁ Incoming E-mail Settings
Module 7: Editing Web Pages
⦁ Content Pages
⦁ Editing Web Pages
⦁ Web Parts and Web Apps
⦁ Adding and Editing Web Parts and App Parts
The contents of this course are likely to change as SharePoint 2016 evolves. These changes will then be made to the above list.


Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £245 + VAT

SharePoint 2016 Training Scotland, Inverness, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dunfermline, Perth and other sites throughout the UK including onsite closed company courses are available.

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