*New* Advanced Revit Modules E-Learning

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*New* Advanced Revit Modules E-Learning

RVT 01 Considering Options and Alternatives
RVT 02 Construction Sequencing (Phasing)
RVT 03 Project Setup
RVT 04 Energy Analysis
RVT 05 Placing Structural Elements
RVT 06 Family Series 1 – 2D Content Part 1
RVT 07 Family Series 2 – Principles of Nesting
RVT 08 Family Series 3 – 2D Content Part 2
RVT 09 Family Series 4 – Parameters & Formulae
RVT 10 tbc
RVT 11 tbc
RVT 12 tbc
RVT 13 Preparing the Analytical Model
RVT 14 Creating Parametric Trusses
RVT 15 Applying Loads
RVT 16 Working with Parametrics
RVT 17 Reinforcement
RVT 18 Steel Connections
RVT 19 RC Detailing
RVT 20 Robot Interoperability

Cost: £250 + VAT per Licence

Group Licence Discounts available.

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