Microsoft Word 2003 Fundamentals

Request info

Course duration: 1 Day

Cost: £195 + VAT

Course Overview

This course is an ideal general introduction to Word Processing and is an ideal starting point for learning about applications; this course also contains many useful topics that even experienced users will benefit from.

1 day instructor led

Course prerequisites

A working knowledge of Windows

By the end of this course you will be able to
· Create and save documents to a given location with an appropriate file name
· Use the keyboard and mouse to perform various word processing tasks such as moving through a document
· Select and manipulate text using the keyboard and mouse
· Learn to use the Undo and Redo features
· Use the cut, copy and paste tools to move or re-use text
· Alter text using fonts, colours, sizes, preset styles and highlighting and shading effects
· Alter the appearance of paragraphs using indentations, line spacing and alignment tools
· Create bulleted and numbered lists to emphasise text
· Insert and manipulate images and symbols
· Successfully use Microsoft Word tools, such as find & replace, spelling, grammar checker and Help.
· Prepare a document for printing, using Margins, Headers and Footers, Page Breaks, and Page Numbering
· Use features within Microsoft Word to print documents
· Use and create simple templates

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