Microsoft Visio 2003 Level 1

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Course duration: 1 Day

Who Should Attend:

This course is aimed at new users to Microsoft Visio, or for users wishing to clarify existing knowledge using various methods and techniques.


This course will provide delegates with the necessary skills and knowledge required to:

· Understand the Concepts of Visio and the Screen Elements
· Understand and Use Stencils, Toolbars, Task Pane and Status Bar in Visio
· Understand and Use the Views available in Visio and Understand and Use the Shapes and Objects, Save, Open and Close
· Understand and Use Shapes, Connections, Working with and Altering Shapes.

What the course will cover:

Introduction Starting Visio, Using Stencils and Toolbars
Using the Shape Explorer, Closing Visio

Using Visio Basics Opening a File
Moving Between Pages in a Drawing
Adding, Reordering, and Deleting Pages
Saving and Closing Visio Files
Using Print Preview, Using Page Setup
Printing a Drawing

Creating a Drawing Starting a Drawing
Adding Master Shapes to a Drawing
Selecting Shapes
Zooming In and Out in the Drawing
Understanding Shapes Components

Working with Text Adding Text to Shapes
Creating Text-Only Shapes
Editing Existing Text
Modifying a Text Block and Formatting Text

Connecting Shapes Using Connectors, Connecting Shapes Automatically, Manipulating Connectors, Using the Connector Tool, Using Control Handles, Adding Connection Points

Working with Shapes Using the Drawing Tools, Formatting Shapes, Moving Shapes, Resizing Shapes, Copying Shapes, Manipulating Shape, Rotating Shapes, Aligning Shapes, Distributing Shapes, Creating and Using Guides
Altering Shapes
Changing the Stacking Order of Shapes, Grouping and Ungrouping Shapes, Changing Double-Cl

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