Diploma in Digital Marketing SCQF 6

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SVQ in Digital Marketing


GK4W 46 Diploma in Digital Marketing at SCQF Level 6

To attain the qualification candidates must complete 65 SCQF Credits in total. This

 27 mandatory credits

38 optional credits

Please see optional groupings for the minimum and maximum credits permitted from each

Mandatory Units: Candidates must complete 27 credits from this group

SQA code Title SCQF level SCQF credits

H8PK 04 Understanding the Business Environment 6 2
H8PL 04 Understand Legal, Regulatory and Ethical
Requirements in Sales or Marketing 5 2
F9A8 04 Using Collaborative Technologies 3 6 6
H8PM 04 Principles of Marketing and Evaluation 6 7
H8PN 04 Develop own Professionalism 6 4
H8PP 04 Digital Marketing Metrics and Analytics 1 7 6
Optional Units: Group A Candidates must complete from 14-30 credits from this group
SQA code Title SCQF
H8PR 04 Principles of Social Media Advertising and Promotion 7 6
H8PT 04 Search Engine Marketing 1 6 5
H8PV 04 Content Marketing 1 6 5
H8PW 04 Marketing on Mobile Devices 6 4
H8PX 04 Online Display Advertising 1 6 5
H8PY 04 Email Marketing 1 6 5
Diploma in Digital Marketing at SCQF Level 6
Optional Units: Group B Candidates must complete from 8-24 credits from this group
SQA code Title SCQF
F9CC 04 Imaging Software 2 5 4
F9AL 04 Video Software 2 5 3
F9D1 04 Spreadsheet Software 2 5 4
H8R0 04
Principles of Social Media within a Business 6 6
H8R1 04
Principles of Keywords and Optimisation 8 7
H8R2 04
Content Management System Website Creation 6 8
F9D5 04
Website Software 3 6 5
H8R3 04
Principles of Marketing Stakeholder Relationships 7 5
H8R4 04
Brand Development 6 5
H8R5 04
Project Management 1 7 4
H8WP 04
Analyse and Report data 6 6
H8R6 04
Produce Copy for Digital Media Communication 6 5
F9AM 04
Video Software 3 6 4
H8R7 04 Delivering e-commerce Solutions 7 9

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