*New* Adobe InDesign Advanced

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Adobe InDesign Advanced

Part 1 – 9.30 – 11 am

Advanced styles and text
Using styles to add rules, borders and shading
Splitting and spanning text
Basing one style on another
Nesting styles
Working with document and baseline grids
Using auto flow modes
Using conditional text

Advanced layers
Selecting an object using the layers panel
Adding objects to groups

Part 2 – 11.20 – 1.pm

Working with Shapes
Drawing tools
Using the pathfinder panel
Aligning and distributing objects
Creating clipping paths
Working with Alpha Channels

Part 3 – 2.00 – 3.15

Working with long documents
The book panel
Adding Sections & Setting Up Page Numbering
Creating a cross reference
Creating a table of contents
Synchronising elements
Exporting from the book panel

Part 4 – 3.30 – 4.30

Adding interactivity
Setting up an Online Document
Adding Buttons, Page Transitions & Hyperlinks
Previewing interactivity
Setting up an interactive form
Adding form fields
Exporting as an interactive PDF

Course duration: 1 Day

Cost: £195 + VAT

Adobe InDesign Training Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness, Aberdeen and onsite course available throughout the UK.

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