*VIRTUAL* – Risk Analysis & Reliability Engineering – 2 Days

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Online Risk and Reliability Training

About The Course

The course duration is 2 days and will consist of both theoretical and practical applications of risk and reliability engineering. The course will introduce the fundamentals of Risk analysis and reliability engineering. Quantity risk analysis, basic statistics, distribution of failure, reliability of failure, consequences of failure and Monte Carlo simulations (MCS).

On successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 1) identify and analyse the concepts and principles of risk and reliability engineering and their potential applications to different engineering problems. 2) Assess and analyse appropriate approaches to the collection and interpretation of data in the application of risk and reliability engineering methods. 3) Evaluate and select appropriate techniques and tools for qualitative and quantitative risk analysis and reliability assessment.
4)Analyse and evaluate failure distributions, failure likelihood and potential consequences and develop solutions for control/mitigation of risks.

Why should we do a risk and reliability analysis?

•Enable good decision-making in the presence of uncertainty.
•Demonstrate that all risks are identified and appropriately mitigated or reduced (ALARP)
•Moral- risk of death or serious injury (Safety)
•Legal- comply with regulators. (UK-Health and Safety Executive)
•Economic- profit, return for investors/ Shareholders.

Who Should Attend?

This training is suitable for mechanical, process, and energy engineers and professionals who want to obtain knowledge on applied aspects of risk and reliability engineering.

PROGRAMME All timings in (GMT)

Day 1

08:00-09:30 Lecture 1: Statistical analysis Statistical analysis: Interpretation
of statistical output and data visualization; Introduction to regression modelling techniques.
Dr Srinivas Sriramula

09:30-09:45 Break

09:45 – 11.15 Lecture 2: Data analysis and Distribution fitting
Hypothesis testing; goodness of fit distribution tests.
Dr Srinivas Sriramula

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30-13:00 Lecture 3: HAZOP and Functional Safety Hazard and operability study analysis
(HAZOP); elements of functional safety analysis
Dr Srinivas Sriramula

13:00 – 13.30- Break

13.30– 15:00 Lecture 4: Safety integrity levels – assessment and verification
SIL fundamentals, target risk levels, SIL assessment, Markov processes: basic elements
Dr Srinivas Sriramula

Day 2

08:00-09:30 Lecture 5: Introduction to Risk Analysis The basic concept of Safety and Risk
Analysis. Definition of Reliability and Availability and Resilience. Qualitative And Quantitative Risk
Dr Donya Hajializadeh

09.30:30-09:45 Break

09:45-11:15 Lecture 6: Quantitative Risk Assessment: FMEA, FMECA.
Introduction to the Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) and Fault tree and event
tree analysis.
Dr Donya Hajializadeh

11:15-11:30 Break

11:30-13:00 Lecture 7: Lecture 5: Basics of Simulation.
Monte Carlo simulation Advantages and limitations of Monte Carlo
Dr Donya Hajializadeh

13:00-13:30 Break

13:30-15:00 Lecture 8: Reliability analysis Important sampling, Line sampling
and subset simulation
Dr Donya Hajializadeh


Dr Srinivas Sriramula

Dr Srinivas Sriramula is currently a Reader at the University of Aberdeen. Dr Sriramula specializes in
technical safety computations and has over 15 years research experience in developing
uncertainty quantification schemes for engineering systems. To date he has participated
in a number of collaborative research projects on asset risk, reliability and maintenance modelling,
funded by InnovateUK, International Government agencies, Industrial partners, and the Lloyd’s
Register Foundation (LRF).

Dr Sriramula is a Chartered Engineer (IMechE) and currently coordinates the MSc in Safety and
Reliability Engineering (including for Oil&Gas), MSc Subsea Engineering and MSc Offshore
Engineering at the University of Aberdeen.

Dr Donya Hajializadeh

Dr Donya Hajializadeh is a chartered engineer and senior lecturer at the University of Surrey, with
more than a decade of experience in industryfocused research in the areas of structure and
infrastructure health monitoring, application of machine learning approaches in data-driven
damage identification systems and risk, reliability and resilience-focused decision- making in
transport infrastructure and systems. As project lead, co-investigator, technical lead/co-lead, and
principal/co-supervisor, she has worked and successfully delivered over 50 commercial and research projects on time and on budget. She is an active member of several professional bodies, including the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Institution of
Engineers of Ireland and the Women’s Engineering Society.

Duration: 2 Days

Cost: £695 + Vat

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