Pre-course preparation
The Delegates should prepare to make a three minute presentation about themselves and their roles and responsibilities in the company – see Session 6.
First Day
Progress to date – Resolution of any problems encountered by the delegates in applying lessons from the first course.
2. PROCESS RULES (Group Exercise)
Setting some ground rules for working in groups that will enable the participants to work effectively as a group in subsequent sessions.
3. PROJECT SIMULATION (Group Exercise & Discussion)
A group exercise simulating the problems involved in small projects and task management.
An analysis of the issues involved in running a project successfully with particular emphasis on communication across the Client – Project Manager interface.
Discussion on the processes of managing meetings.
An analysis of the communication mechanisms in a project environment.
Brainstorming all of the communication methods employed and planning their most effective use for a project.
– To analyse some aspects of cooperation in solving a group problem.
– To sensitise participants to behaviours which may contribute toward or obstruct the solving of a group problem.
A presentation illustrating and using all the ‘tricks of the trade’ together with common mistakes.
The delegates are given an opportunity to apply some of the techniques from this session, to their prepared presentations prior to the course.
The Delegates will make a three minute presentation about themselves and their roles and responsibilities in the company.
The Course Tutor and the rest of the Delegates will comment upon these presentations.
An analysis of an individual’s preferred style and presenting in the style of the ‘receiver.’
Preparation for Day Two:
i) Read Gremlin Geotronics Case.
ii) Complete Belbin Questionnaire.
Second Day:
8. ORGANISATIONAL OPTIONS (Case Study, Presentations & Discussion)
– To examine alternative project organisations and their influences on the power of the project manager.
– To discuss the different ways in which the project management role can be fulfilled.
– Stakeholder analysis.
9. THE PROJECT MANAGERIAL ROLE (Lecture & Discussion)
To identify the abilities and characteristics needed in a project manager.
– A situational approach to managing people.
– Management styles and delegation.
10. PROJECT TEAM ROLES (Lecture & Self Perception Inventory)
Team – The formation of an organisation to make the most of the individual’s talents. Selecting a balanced team and Team Building.
Individual – Meredith Belbin’s Self Perception Inventory.
An illustration of the leader’s role and management style.
11. POLITICS IN PROJECTS (Lecture & Discussion)
An analysis of different political behaviours and a discussion of How and Where politics is used in projects.
12. CHANGE MANAGEMENT (Lecture & Discussion)
Identifying the ‘Burning Deck’.’
Changing rather being changed.
Top-down commitment – Bottom-up involvement.
Managing Change. Avoiding False Starts & Gradual Change etc.
Third day
13. SYNERGISTIC DECISION MAKING (Individual & Group Exercise)
An exercise demonstrating that the group decision is more effective than the individual’s.
Acknowledging individual contributions.
14. PERSONAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES (Individual & Paired Exercise)
Identification of personal goals and objectives.
– Job mapping.
– Sharing of personal goals.
– Mapping Interface Relationships. Understanding each other’s problems.
– Identifying Expectations and Deliverables.
To explore both helpful and hindering communication behaviours in assigning and carrying out a task.
– Planning a task to be carried out by others
– Using the right language to communicate
– Implementing a task planned by others.
Participants identify the relationships & communication issues that they will implement in their own work situation.
Feedback from participants on content of course and methods of presentation used. Discussion to see what follow-up is required to fill any gaps in the course.
Over 40 years professional experience in the UK, Europe, The Middle East (Abu Dhabi) the Far East and the USA. For seventeen years he was a Consultant Lecturer at Cranfield School of Management. For ten years he was Director of the Masters Course in Project Management and responsible for the Project Management Group. As such, he was responsible for a portfolio of short courses covering project management skills and techniques from physical / technological environments to service based organisations. In addition, developing and running in-company courses and the highly regarded E.C.I.T.B. 7 day short course for Engineering Contractors. For three years his two day Negotiation Course was voted the best elective on the MBA Programme.
Project management within Bechtel, Kellogg and Chemico; Line management in Tendering & Proposals and Quality Assurance; together with Project Operations Management and graduate and professional staff training, and the development of a computerised system of integrated projects controls. Earlier experience in project design management in the Power and Process industries and building services consultancy. Student and graduate apprenticeship with Babcock and Wilcox.
Member, and past Chairman, of the UK Association of Project Managers Education and Training Group, defining the Body of Knowledge required by Project Managers together with a Certification programme. Past external Examiner for Salford University School of Management, MSc in Project Management.
Over the years he has written papers for the International Project Management Association World Congress on Project Management as well as a number of articles for leading professional publications. Reviewer of articles and books for the International Journal of Project Management. Author of The Project Managers Guide to Purchasing – Contracting for Goods and Services, published by Gower.
Duration: 3 Days