Eurocode 7 – A Time of Change – 1 Day

Request info

Course duration: 1 Day

Cost: £295 + VAT


Eurocodes have been talked about for a long time, but this is no longer a matter for the future. The new Standards are with us and the first Standards called up by the Eurocode are already in force. There are many more to come. The Eurocode suite of documents is mandatory which represents a significant change in status compared with the familiar UK Codes of Practice.

All geotechnical professionals need to know about the changes, how it will affect their everyday professional life, and how they will need to help their clients understand the changes.

The course will introduce the Eurocode documents including timetables and status. Some new aspects to the design procedures will be illustrated, with workshops to help delegates understand some of the key issues.

Who should attend?

The course will be important to any geologist or engineer working in geotechnical design, investigation, testing, reporting and description. The course aims to provide a detailed briefing to the changes that the Eurocode will introduce, and also put this in the context of items that are not changing.

Course Structure

The course will discuss the changes and the way forward in these fields now and for the coming years with time included for discussion and workshops.

Session 1 The Eurocode suite

Introduction to Eurocode 7 Part 1
Design and verification procedures
Workshop – Scoping an investigation

Session 2 Introduction to Eurocode 7 Part 2

Planning investigations
Sampling and measurement
In situ and laboratory testing

Session 3 Affected codes

BS 5930 and BS 1377 and others
Soil and rock description

Session 4 Ground characterisation

Workshop – Parameter derivation and characterisation

Session 5 1630 – 1700

Discussion and closure

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