CESMM 3- Practical Application of the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement

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CESMM Contract Training

Day One

Session 1

Background to CESMM
Relationship to other contract documents
General Philosophy of CESMM
Work Classes and Rules

Session 2

Itemising and Numbering
Preparation of Bills of Quantities

Session 3

General Items and Method Related Charges

Session 4

Worked Example: Method Related Charges

Session 5

Class E: Earthworks

Session 6

Worked Example: Earthworks

Session 7

Class F: Insitu Concrete
Worked Example


Day Two

Session 1

Class G: Concrete Ancillaries
Worked Example

Session 2

Class R: Roadworks and Worked Example

Session 3

Pipeworks Class I-L
Class I: Pipes:
Worked Example – Pipes

Session 4

Class J: Fittings
Worked Example: Pipeworks – Fittings

Session 5

Class K: Manholes and other Chambers
Worked Example – Chambers

Session 6

Worked Example: Pipeworks – Supports etc

Session 7


Session 8

Summary and closing discussion


At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:

Recognise the rationale behind the standard methods of measurement in general and the CESMM in particular.
List the working sections of the CESMM and be able to choose an appropriate description.
Recognise the rules governing the interpretation of the working sections.
Recognise the value of using Method Related Charges.
Appreciate the problems that can arise through the incorrect application of CESMM by considering cases.

Course duration: 2 Days

Cost: £545 + VAT

CESMM Contract Training Inverness, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dunfermline and other sites throughout the UK including onsite closed company courses are available.

CESMM Contract Training in Ghana, Nigeria and Qatar is also available.

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