Online Retaining Walls EC7 Training
Intended Audience
• Geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists with some design experience wanting to develop their understanding and skills
• Graduate civil and structural engineers wanting to develop their understanding and skills
Objectives At the end of this course delegates should have:
• Refreshed their understanding of: types of wall; common failure modes; basic soil mechanics principles applicable to earth pressures; and the forms and magnitude of ground movements around retained excavations
• Reviewed the design principles for gravity and embedded walls, with reference to BS8002
• Developed their knowledge and understanding of the basis of the Eurocodes and Eurocode 7
• Applied Eurocode 7requirements to the design of retaining walls
Course Description
The Eurocodes are an integrated set of standards for the design of structures and civil engineering projects across Europe. These are complemented by nationally determined parameters set out in National Annex documents for each state. Eurocode 7 is the geotechnical code and it requires design to be largely based around limit states and the
use of partial factors. This represents a major change to previous British Standard approaches for geotechnics that relied typically on global factors of safety.
This one-day course will provide delegates with the opportunity to learn how to design retaining walls to Eurocode 7. Whilst the course will begin with a refresher on the various forms of wall design and failure modes, the main focus of the day will be on the Eurocodes and their use in practice. Delegates will be guided through EC7 in particular and guided examples will be used to provide delegates with the opportunity to apply their learning.
The course will be taught via a series of short lectures followed by discussions and tutorial questions to reinforce the learning.
Indicative Content
The indicative content comprises the following:
• Brief reprise of: wall types & failure modes; principles of soil strength & earth pressures including the effect of movement
• Mechanics and design principles of gravity & embedded walls
• Overview of the Eurocodes
• Basis of geotechnical design to EC7
• Selection of geotechnical data and parameters
• Design by calculation & design by testing
• Design reporting and requirements for supervision of construction,monitoring and maintenance
Course Tutor:
A chartered engineer with about 30 years’ experience in industry and academia. He is a geotechnical specialist, with a thorough knowledge of both the theory and practicalities of geotechnical engineering.
Course duration: 1 Day
Cost: £295 + VAT
Online Retaining Walls EC7 Training
Virtual Retaining Walls EC7 Training
Retaining Walls EC7 Online Training Course
Retaining Walls EC7 Virtual Training Course