*VIRTUAL* – *NEW* – Temporary Works – Technical Awareness of Design Considerations – Above Ground

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Online Temporary Works Design Training

Objectives – What to look out for and consider in Design

 Technical Awareness of minor TW Schemes
 Knowledge of how site conditions affect the design of temporary works
 Knowledge of the processes involved in temporary works design
 Knowledge of procedures in temporary works design, including temporary works coordination, in accordance with BS5975


Introduction and course expectations

  • Technican Awareness of factors affecing Design


• BS5975
• The roles in temporary works assurance
• Other current guidance

Legal Aspects

• Designers duties under CDM regulations

Wall & column formwork

 Types of formwork in common use
 Calculation of lateral pressures
 Ties
 One-sided formwork
 Team Exercise

Falsework & soffit formwork

 Types of formwork in common use
 Calculation and identification of loads
 Team exercise

Scaffold design

  •  Basic scaffolds, and their limitations
     Introduction to TG20
     Calculations for scaffolds
     Tying and Bracing
     Working Platforms
     Introduction to Special Scaffolds
  • Hoardings and fencing

Summary and Close

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £295 + VAT


Online Temporary Works Design Training Course

Virtual Temporary Works Design Training Course

Temporary Works Design Online Training Course

Temporary Works Design Virtual Training Course

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