Online Net Zero Awareness Training Course for Civils
Course Content:
Morning Session:
Overview of climate change – what is climate change and why is it occurring faster as a result of human activities?
– The policy context – including the UK Climate Change Act, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change & the Paris Agreement, and the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC
– Net Zero explained – what is Net Zero? What does the term Net Zero mean? What is the difference between this and Carbon Neutral?
– Carbon calculation – Measuring carbon emissions, define what Net Zero is for an organisation in real terms and setting relevant targets (this would cover scope 1-3 emissions)
– Overview of what Net Zero means for an:
o Organisation – what is a baseline and how is this set? What are carbon targets and how does an organisation identify the actions needed to get there? How do they monitor progress against their targets?
o Project – what is PAS 2080 Carbon Management in Infrastructure and what does it mean for projects? How to measure a project’s GHG emissions in both construction and operation of the built asset.
o Product – what is an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and what does it tell you (this would cover the basics of greenhouse gas emissions in a product lifecycle)?
Afternoon Session:
– The details behind PAS 2080 and the carbon reduction hierarchy
– Typical emissions hotspots in major infrastructure projects such as rail and road projects
– Best practice and what it looks like, and the typical mitigation options during design and delivery
– Measuring and managing carbon in project scheme design and delivery
Duration: 1 Day
Cost: £350 + Vat
Online Net Zero Training Course
Net Zero Online Training Course
Virtual Net Zero Training Course
Net Zero Virtual Training Course