*VIRTUAL* – Microsoft Project Introduction – for Construction Contracts/Project – 1 Day

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Online MS Project Training Course

Course Description:

This course is designed for people who will be part of a construction project team or a Project Manager to enable an understanding the basics of Microsoft Project and demonstrate how to plan, schedule, use views, filter and print your Construction Project.


Delegates attending this course should have a basic knowledge within a Windows environment and preferably have used another Microsoft Office 2016 application i.e. Word or Excel. A basic knowledge of Project Management would be advantageous but not essential.

Please note you are required to have MS Project on your device to attend this course.

Course Objectives

•Start a Construction Project with planning

•Adding Tasks and Dependencies to the Plan

•Understand Project scheduling with focus on key dates for specific trades and critical material orders

•Overview of Base Calendars

•Use Project Views

•Print a Project

Course Content

Starting a Project

Project Management basics

Navigate the Project Interface

Working with Project Tasks

Inserting Tasks to a Project to generate the Construction Phase programme of works.

Manual Vs Auto Scheduling

Recurring Tasks

Using Lag and Lead time

Splitting Tasks

Creating Milestones

Show Slack Time (Float)

Creating Task Dependencies

Using Constraints and Deadlines on tasks

The Critical Path (highlighting essential Construction and Construction Phase processes, trades and materials requred to progress the contract).

Save a Project

Overview of Project Calendars

Types of Calendars in Project 2016

Add Public Holidays

Add Calendars to the Organizer

Overview of Project Views

Task Views and Resource Views

Sheet, Graph and Form Views (tooling essential for tracking Construction related key performance indicators)

Filter your Data

Group your Data

Highlight your Data

Printing a Project Plan

Print Project Views

Adding Headers and Footers


Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £250 + Vat



MS Project Online Training Course

MS Project Virtual Training Couse

Online MS Project Training Course

Virtual MS Project Training Course

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