*VIRTUAL* – Microsoft 365: Excel Desktop Level 4

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Online Microsoft 365 Excel Training Course


In this virtual, Instructor-Led course, you will learn how to create macros to automate your work, use the security features to protect your data, use analytic tools and consolidate data, use the security features, import and export data, use some useful new functions, and edit the ribbon.

Course Aim

Enable delegates to examine the more complex components of Excel and better manipulation of data.

Target Student: This course is meant for those desiring to gain advanced skills necessary for working with Excel data.

Prerequisites: Before starting this course, students are recommended to take the Excel Level 2 and/or Excel Level 3 course or have equivalent knowledge.


• create and use Macros
• learn how to collaborate and analyse data
• create and use form controls
• editing the ribbon

Creating Macros

• Macro Security
• Creating a Macro
• Comparing Relative and Absolute Macros
• Running a Macro
• Editing a Macro
• Assigning Shortcuts to Macros

Collaborating With Others

• Security Features in Excel
• Protecting Data
• Protected Views
• Tracking Changes
• Workbook Merging

Analysing Data

• Creating a Single Input Data Table
• Creating a Two-Variable Data Table
• Creating Scenarios
• What If Analysis using Goal Seek
• Consolidating Data

Import and Export Data

• Exporting Excel Data
• Importing Delimited Text
• Importing a Web Query

New Useful Excel Functions


Editing the Ribbon

• Editing the Tab wording
• Adding a new Tab
• Adding a new Group
• Adding buttons to a group
• Adding Macro buttons

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £175 + Vat

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Scheduled Courses:

    DateCourse NameLocationPrice (Excluding VAT)Book
    11 Dec*VIRTUAL* – Microsoft 365: Excel Desktop Level 4Online - Remote£250Enquire Now