*VIRTUAL* – Intermediate course in ASTA Powerproject

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Online ASTA Powerproject Training

This is a one day course which explores further features of the software which help with the running and monitoring of a project. This course assumes you have attended the day 1 course and are fully proficient with the understanding and creation of logic linking and critical path.

Topics include:

• Linking shortcuts
• Expanded tasks – working with sub-programmes/delay events within the master programme and their effect on the critical path
• Hammock tasks – to display prelims or key task schedules
• Buffer tasks – working with target dates v client dates
• Task pools – creating templates within a programme
• Working with tables and views
• Basic Introduction to Resources
• Baselines – overlaying a contract programme onto a Live programme and showing how to manage revision baselines and delay events
• Progress – Looking a multiple drop lines (one per week/month) and showing straight lined progress against a baseline to achieve as-built programmes
• Creating filters – Code based filters/Look ahead filters
• Introduction to creating your own company templates

The day is carried out using Zoom and delegates should have Powerproject installed ready for the day

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £250 + Vat


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Scheduled Courses:

    DateCourse NameLocationPrice (Excluding VAT)Book
    25 Oct*VIRTUAL* – Intermediate course in ASTA PowerprojectOnline - Remote£250Enquire Now