*VIRTUAL* – Floating Offshore Wind Foundations including Mooring Design

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Online Floating Offshore Wind Foundations Training Course


Floating offshore wind (FOW) is a fast-developing industry. This course will explore the basic considerations made when designing a floating offshore wind farm and the principle designs that have been developed so far. The course will cover the main different types of floating offshore wind foundations such as semi-submersible, spar buoy, tension leg and floating barge platforms and highlight the pros and cons of each design. Different types of mooring designs will be introduced.


Engineers and researchers involved in the design of offshore floating wind turbines, contracts engineers, wind turbine Installation companies, team leaders, conversion engineers, project engineers and managers, offshore controls engineers and safety inspectors will benefit from attending this course. The course is innovative in both content & structure with a careful balance of theory & practice.

Programme – Time (GMT)

Day 1:

9:00 – 10:30 Lecture 1: Overview of main different types of offshore floating wind foundations
• Classification of wind turbine and wind energy characteristics
• Components of wind turbine and wind power parameters
• Wind turbine control and blade element momentum theory
• Classification of offshore wind turbines
Dr Debabrata Karmakar

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00 – 12:30 Lecture 2: Marine and offshore environments in offshore wind farms
• Overview of marine and offshore environments (including return period)
• Method for describing wind
• Method for describing tidal current
• Calculation of the wind and tidal current resultant loads applied to floating wind turbines
Dr Wenxian Yang

12:30-13:30 Break

13:30 – 15:00 Lecture 3: Ocean wave analysis applied to floating wind turbines
• Method for describing ocean waves
• Wave statistics • Wave models
• Motions of floating wind turbines in waves
Dr Wenxian Yang

15:00-15:30 Break

15:30 – 17:00 Lecture 4: Wave and current loadings for floating wind turbines
• Introduction of linear wave theory
• Introduction of velocity potential functions • Introduction of diffraction theory
Dr Wenxian Yang

Day 2:

9:00 – 10:30 Lecture 5: Hydrodynamic design aspects of floating wind turbine platforms
• Requirements for hydrodynamic design of floating wind turbine platforms
• Optimal design for meeting the requirements
• Discussion of the existing designs
Dr Wenxian Yang

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00 – 12:30 Lecture 6: Catenary mooring system analysis for floating wind turbines
• Introduction of catenary mooring systems
• Design of catenary mooring systems
• Safety assessment of catenary mooring systems
Dr Wenxian Yang

12:30- 13:30 Break

13:30 – 15:00 Lecture 7: Hydrodynamic analysis of moored floating platform using ANSYS
• Design of floating platform and generation of the geometric data file
• Design of mooring systems
• Basic operation of ANSYS-AQWA
Dr Debabrata Karmakar

15:00-15:30 Break

15:30 – 17:00 Lecture 8: Evaluation of hydrodynamic parameters using ANSYS
• Simulation of hydrodynamic parameters using ANSYS-AQWA
• Case study using ANSYS-AQWA
• Numerical analysis of hydrodynamic parameters
Dr Debabrata Karmakar

Lecturer CV
Dr Wenxian Yang, Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University

Dr Wenxian Yang obtained his PhD degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1999. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in offshore renewable energy at Newcastle University. Dr Yang is a chartered engineer, the Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, the member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, the Institution of Engineering and Technology, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. With expertise in marine and offshore renewable energy, he has consistently strived to lower the Cost of Energy of offshore renewable power by developing various approaches using the knowledge in multiple disciplines, e.g. increasing availability and reducing operation and maintenance cost of offshore wind turbines by developing advanced condition monitoring techniques; assuring the safety of the fixed foundation of offshore wind turbines by designing and developing countermeasure devices against scour caused by tidal current; improving the power generation efficiency of wind and tidal turbine by developing biomimetic airfoil/hydrofoil technologies; increasing the economic return of offshore floating wind turbines by developing motion-stable floating platform technologies. Recently, in order to meet the urgent requirement by the rapidly growing offshore wind market, Dr Yang’s research interest is also extended to addressing the challenging issues existing in the design and application of offshore wind farm support vessels. For example, in view of the unsatisfactory seakeeping performance of offshore wind farm crew transfer vessel, he has developed a new cost-effective technique dedicatedly for stabilizing wind farm crew transfer vessels; to enable quickly access to those offshore wind turbines located at far offshore distance whilst costing less fuel and achieving better seakeeping performance, he developed a number of innovative ship design techniques and successfully supervised 6 postgraduate research theses to address the issue. In 2017, his research on the ageing issues of wind turbine components and assemblies was identified by Renewable Energy Global Innovation as a key contribution to the excellence in renewable and clean energy research. Besides these, Dr Wenxian Yang endeavours to develop research in the cutting-edge area of renewable energy also through collaborating with the scientists and experts working in different fields. For example, he worked together with the material and chemical engineering scientists of the universities of Newcastle, Durham and Northumbria and successfully established the ‘Northeast Centre for Energy Materials’ funded by EPSRC in 2017. So far, Dr Yang has published over 100 papers in top journals. According to the latest survey of Google Scholar, his papers have been cited 1652 times since 2014. Dr Yang’s successful research has also attracted great interest from industrial partners. For example, Dr Yang was funded by Innovate UK to lead a 3-year Knowledge Transfer project (2014-2017) in order to help Offshore Renewable Energy CATAPULT Centre (ORE-CATAPULT) to improve the safe operation of their offshore wind turbines.

Duration: 2 Days

Cost: £750 + Vat

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