*VIRTUAL* – EIA Process – Essentials Overview – 1 Day

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Online EIA Process Training

This course provides a high level overview of the EIA process, including legislative updates, interactions and case law. This review would have specific mention to other regimes such as Transport and Works Acts, Section 36/37 (Scotland), Development Consent Order process (England and Wales) and Developments of National Significance (Wales) in terms of the impact assessment requirements but also interactions with secondary consents and associated licences.

Scope for the day would be as follows:

  • Overview of the EIA process and application across the world, including how it is currently transposed in to UK regulations plus the implications of Brexit
  • Highlevel overview of the:
    • Screening – requirements for an EIA and how to prepare or review a screening request
    • Scoping – how to prepare a scoping report, and review a request for a scoping opinion
    • Baseline surveys – how to prepare an robust underpinning for the EIA
    • Assessment of significance – how to determine sensitivity, magnitude and significance
    • Mitigation and monitoring – design and application of both
  • Skills of the EIA manager and practitioner
  • Highlevel overview of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Systems

Further reading and examples will be provided as post-course support.

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £350 + Vat


Virtual EIA Process Training

Online EIA Process Training Course

EIA Process Online Training

EIA Process Virtual Training Course


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