*VIRTUAL* – CFD and Hydrodynamics for Ships

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Online CFD and Hydrodynamics for Ships Training


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology is now a well-established design tool for ships to predict accurately its performance and is gradually replacing towing tanks. With the right CFD tools,
every aspect of the vessel design and performance can be investigated virtually, well before the vessel goes into production. The advantage for the maritime industry from CFD analysis is
extensive. The benefits are far greater, as compared to other industries. Commercial
ship vessels in particular can benefit hugely by using this technology. The syllabus will include Introduction to CFD, Numerical modelling of curves and surfaces, Discretization of ship hull form,
Fluid flow dynamics around ships and submarines, Turbulence modelling, Finite
volume method as applied to ship flows, Numerical method for computing propeller thrust/ torque.
The course is designed in such a way that at the end of the lectures, the person will have a very broad understanding of the application of CFD techniques for ship design.


Engineers and scientists involved in the design of ships and ship systems. Personnel from ship management companies, oil companies, classification societies and ship builders will benefit from attending this course. The course is innovative in both content & structure with a careful balance
of theory & practice.


Day 1:

09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 1: Basic CFD, Instructor: Prof. H. V.
Warrior – Introduction to turbulent flows, statistical averaging, RANS
equations, Eddy viscosity hypothesis

10.30 – 10.45 Break

10.45 – 12.15 Lecture 2: Numerical modelling of ship and
propeller geometry 1, Instructor: Prof. O. P. Sha
Engineering CAD systems; Curve representation, analytical and
parametric representation of curves; Differential geometry of curves;
Interpolation techniques, control polygon techniques; Curve generation;
Ship curve design; Interrogation and fairing techniques for curves.

12.15 -12.45 Lunch

12.45 -14.15 Lecture 3: CFD for Ship applications, Instructor:
Prof. H. V. Warrior CFD case studies- flow near ships and
submarines, detection through CFD, strategies and way ahead.

14.15 – 14.30 Break

14.30 – 16.00 Lecture 4: Numerical modelling of ship and
propeller geometry 2 Instructor: Prof. O. P. Sha Surface representation, analytical and parametric representation of surfaces; Differential geometry of surfaces; Surface interpolation techniques, control polygon techniques; Surface generation; Interrogation and fairing techniques or
surfaces; Ship surface design, ruled surface, developable surface, low curvature

Day 2

09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 5: Turbulence modelling 1: Instructor:
Prof. H. V. Warrior Introduction to turbulent flows, statistical
averaging, RANS equations, Eddy viscosity hypothesis, turbulence models kepsilon, Reynolds Stress models.

10.30 – 10.45 Break

10.45 – 12.15 Lecture 6: Application of CFD for hull
optimization. Instructor: Prof. O. P. Sha Practical application of hull form
optimization using CFD, demonstration of the use of appendages at stern to
improve flow/ propulsive efficiency’

12.15 -12.45 Lunch

12.45- 14.15 Lecture 7: Finite Volume Method. Instructor: Prof,
H, V. Warrior Introduction to discretization, central differencing, upwind differenceing,
convection-diffusion problems, staggered grids

14.15 – 14.30 Break

14.30-16.00 Lecture 8: Numerical Methods for Propeller. Instructor: Dr.N.
Vishwanath Unsteady flows, heaving/ pitching aerofoils, kinematics of cycloidal
propeller, numerical modelling of cycloidal propeller during propulsion and

CVs of Lecturers
Professor O. P. Sha

Dr O.P Sha received his B.Tech. (Hons.) degree in Naval Architecture from the
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1980; M.Sc. in Ship Production
Technology from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland, United Kingdom, in
1982; and Ph.D. in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
in 1996. Presently, he is a Professor in the Department of Ocean Engineering and
Naval Architecture. He was the Head of the Department of Ocean Engineering and
Naval Architecture from October 2010 to September 2013 and subsequently the Dean
of Continuing Education from October 2013 to September 2016 at the Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur. He teaches a wide variety of subjects at the Institute and his
main areas of interest include ship design and production, CAD/CAM and high
performance vehicles. He is currently involved in a number of sponsored research
and industrial consultancy projects with DRDO, Indian Navy, Ministry of Shipping,
Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited, Cochin Shipyard Limited, L&T
Shipbuilding, Kolkata Port Trust, IWAI, SHOFT Shipyard, etc. He is the Chairman,
Hydrodynamics Panel of Naval Research Board, Govt. of India. He has a number of
publications in the area of Ship Design and Production and has guided a number of
doctoral and postgraduate students. He has been entrusted by the Sagarmala Cell of
Ministry of Shipping and IIT Kharagpur to head the Centre for Inland and Coastal
Maritime Technology (CICMT) at IIT Kharagpur where the country’s first
shallow/deep water seakeeping and manoeuvring basin for ship-model testing
will be set up. This will provide impetus to research and development in the area of
inland and coastal maritime technology.

Dr. Vishwanath Nagarajan

Dr. Vishwanath Nagarajan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Ocean
Engineering and Naval Architecture, IIT Kharagpur. His broad area of research is ship
and underwater vehicle dynamics and fluid dynamics. He is involved in teaching several
subjects for under graduate and post graduate students. Dr. Vishwanath graduated from IIT
Kharagpur, B.Tech (Naval Architecture), in 1995. After graduation, he joined as a Naval
Architect in The Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., Mumbai. Here he was involved in
ship building, ship construction, and ship maintenance work. During this time, he got
Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbukagakusho) to do Masters and PhD at
Osaka University, Japan. After completing PhD, he worked for a short time as a Post
Doctoral researcher in Pusan National University, South Korea. Thereafter, he
joined IIT Kharagpur in 2009 as faculty. He has supervised numerous undergraduate and
postgraduate research projects, besides guiding Ph. D. students. He has published
several papers in peer reviewed international journals and international conferences. He is
involved in several sponsored research and technical consultancy work. Dr. Vishwanath
is a reviewer for Internationally reputed journals like Journal of Marine Science and
Technology, Ocean Engineering, JEME and Applied Ocean Research. He has been
invited for reviewing PhD/MS thesis and conducting PhD viva examination. He has
been in the organizing committee of several international conferences. He is a member
Japan Society of Naval Architects andOcean Engineers (JASNAOE).

Professor H. V. Warrior

Prof. Hari Warrior joined the department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
of IIT Kharagpur in 2004. He joined as an Assistant Professor with a background in
Naval Archtiecture and Fluid Mechanics/Oceanography. He had worked
extensively on flow turbulence during his PhD and further. He worked mainly on the
Reynolds stress models and various parameterisations for the pressure-strain
correlation formulations. He later became an Associate Professor and then Professor. He
has done numerous high profile projects, especially the detection of ships/submarines
through their wake signature using CFD. Recently he has been associated with the
design of bio-mimetic inspired AUVs for the Indian Navy. In 2019 October he took over as
the Head of the department and is serving the post currently. He has numerous publications
to his credit.

Duration: 2 Days

Cost: £595 + Vat


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