PRINCE2 Project Management Re-Registration

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PRINCE2 Project Management Re-Registration

The PRINCE2® Examination Board has determined that all PRINCE2® Practitioners should be re-registered within 3-5 calendar years of their original certification (failure to pass the Re-registration Examination after 5 calendar years as a Registered Practitioner will result in withdrawal of certification).

What You Study
Since 1 January 2008 the PRINCE2® Re-registration exam has become an Objective Testing Exam.

Objective testing
3 questions per paper with 12 marks available per question – all question items will be worth 1 mark, making the total number of marks available per paper 36
1 hour will be allowed (no reading time)
Open-book examination (only the PRINCE2® Manual is allowed)
The pass mark is 55% – candidates need a total of 20/36 marks to pass the exam.

Duration and Attendance
This Re-registration comprises a 1-hour examination set at the same standard as the practitioner examination. If you have taken the PRINCE2® Practitioner qualification since October 2000 you have agreed, or are agreeing, to this requirement as part of your initial application in order to be designated as a Registered Practitioner.
This is a two day course with the re-registration exam at the end of day 2.

What is included in the Price?
Updated manual and pre-course material sent out in advance 2 day workshop to prepare delegates for the one hour exam (at the end of day 2).

Entry Requirements
PRINCE2® Practitioner
Career Paths
Project Co-ordinator
Project Analyst
Project Manager
Programme Manager
Portfolio Manager
Further Study
Managing Successful Programmes
CMI Certificate in Programme and Project Management
CMI Diploma in Programme and Project Management

The PRINCE2 courses on this page are offered by Purple Griffin ATO of AXELOS Limited. PRINCE2 is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited.

Course duration: 2 Days

Cost: £695 + VAT – including exam fee

PRINCE2 Training Inverness, Highlands, Scotland.

All PRINCE2 Courses are offered my Indicia Training.

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