*New* Structural Integrity Assessment of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations Training

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Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations

About the Course
Given the harsh environment of offshore wind, a major design and O&M challenge is the corrosion and fatigue of the structure. This workshop is de-signed to give engineers a more rounded apprecia-tion of the unique considerations that should be given to the structural integrity assessment of off-shore wind turbine foundations.
Several areas will be covered leaving delegates with a more rounded appreciation of the fatigue issues relevant to offshore wind foundations. Throughout the course, tutorials and practical con-siderations will be used to consolidate the knowledge gained by the attendees and gauge their understanding.

Lecture Info
Fatigue crack initiation and growth in offshore structures
Fracture toughness testing and analysis of materi-als in offshore structures
Defect assessment using failure assessment dia-grams
Fracture mechanics bases inspection
Corrosion-fatigue testing and analysis of offshore monopile weldments
Welding residual stresses in offshore wind mono-piles

About the Lecturer
Dr Ali Mehmanparast is a Lecturer in Structural Integrity at Cranfield University and the Manager of the Cranfield-Oxford University Renewable Energy Marine Structures Centre for Doctoral Training (REMS CDT). Ali currently sits on the Engineer-ing Integrity Society (EIS) Durability and Fatigue committee, the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI Council) and is a member of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). He is a Chartered Engineer of IMechE and a fellow of The Higher Education Academy. He has more than 50 peer reviewed journal and conference papers in the field of engineer-ing structural integrity and has chaired technical sessions at international conferences. He was also a member of the local technical committee for “Fatigue 2017” International Conference in Cambridge. Ali is the manager of the Structural Integrity Laboratory at Cranfield University and a member of the technical delivery team for the Structural Lifecycle Industry Collabo-ration (SLIC) Joint Industry Project, which is a collaboration between 10 Offshore Wind Operators, the UK Department for Energy and Climate Change and The Crown Estate to improve the structural design and integrity of offshore wind mono-piles. He is currently the PI for a project funded by Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to investigate the welding residual stress effects on structural integrity of offshore wind turbine monopiles. He is also the academic lead of a project funded by The Welding Institute (TWI), Lloyd’s register and EPSRC to assess the crack arrest behaviour in modern structural steels. Ali is the Cranfield PI of the Cranfield-LICenergy joint project on offshore wind turbine foundation flange study. Moreover, he is the PI of the Cranfield-Imperial EPSRC-SUPERGEN Wind Hub funded project on offshore floating wind turbine structures.

Course Modules

Fatigue crack initiation and growth in offshore structures (followed by a tutorial)
A brief introduction to S-N curves, Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, stress intensity factor, Paris law

Fracture toughness testing and analysis of materials in offshore structures (followed by a tutorial)
An introduction to Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics, JIC fracture toughness testing and analysis for life prediction of ductile materials

Defect assessment using failure assessment diagrams (followed by a tutorial)
Life prediction of cracked components and structures using level I, II and III FADs

Fracture mechanics bases inspection (followed by a tutorial)
Fatigue crack length estimation and inspection using the Paris law

Corrosion-fatigue testing and analysis of offshore monopile weldments (followed by a case study)
An introduction to corrosion-fatigue testing and analysis, Environmental Reduction Factor, estimation of crack growth accel-eration in free-corrosion environment, Demonstration of a case study: SLIC Joint Industry Project
Welding residual stresses in offshore wind monopiles (followed by a case study)
Residual stress measurement using destructive and non-destructive techniques, welding sequence effects on residual stress distribution in offshore wind monopiles, residual stress effects on fatigue crack initiation and propagation, demonstration of a case study: residual stress measurements in monopile weldments using neutron diffraction and contour techniques

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £385 + VAT

Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations Training Scotland, Inverness, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and onsite courses throughout Scotland

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