*NEW* Ship Structures: Strength, Fabrication and Distortion Control

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About the Course

The syllabus will include: practical aspects of hull girder fabrication, such as sequence of welding, advanced welding methods and its advantages, accuracy control, etc, structural response of the hull girder, strength of ship structural components such as beams, columns, plates including the effect of initial imperfections such distortion due to welding & residual stresses. The course will also introduce the basic structural design of ships from the first principle including the ultimate strength analysis of structural components like stiffened plates which forms 80% of structural components of a ship shull girder. Ultimate strength analysis of ship hull girders will be done. A brief introduction of various regulations imposed by International Association of Classification Society (IACS) will also be reviewed, including common structural rule (CSR).
Who Should Attend

Engineers and scientists involved in the design of ships and ship systems. Personnel from ship management companies, oil companies, classification societies and ship builders will benefits from attending this course. The course is innovative in both content & structure with a careful balance of theory & practice.
Content of the Lectures

Lecture 1: Structural Components, Subassemblies and Assemblies

The various structural components are prefabricated and they are subsequently aligned and welded in position. These are essentially two dimensional or simple three dimensional structures, comprised of flat or curved stiffened panels. These flat or curved stiffened panels would be either longitudinally framed or transversely framed.

Lecture 2: Material and Fabrication

Various grades of steels, marine grade aluminum alloys and glass fibre reinforced plastics as materials for ship construction are used. Fabrication activity is preceded by material preparation. Plate cutting with accepted dimensional accuracy is required. Subsequent plate and section forming is carried out either by mechanical means or through line heating technique.

Lecture 3: Structural Strength: Longitudinal, Transverse & Local Strength

Distribution of weight and buoyancy,still water bending moment,wave induced bending moment,bending and shear stress.

Lecture 4: Beam Columns

Elastic buckling, in elastic Buckling, Johnson’s formula, Perry Robertson Formula, Column Curves, DNV Codes.
Lecture 5: Structural Response of Stiffened Plate – I

Standards and guidelines; Stiffened plated structure Buckling & post buckling of unstiffened plates, Ultimate strength of stiffened plate, com-bined loading under axial & lateral load, Design codes API RP 2V, DNV- RPC201, Example problems.
Lecture 6: Structural Response of Stiffened Plate – II

Standards and guidelines; Stiffened plated structure Buckling & post buckling of unstiffened plates, Ultimate strength of stiffened plate, com-bined loading under axial & lateral load, Design codes API RP 2V, DNV- RPC201, Example problems

Lecture 7: Welding Technology – I

Welding power source and metal transfer mechanism; Effect of welding parameters on weld deposition and bead profile;

Lecture 8: Welding Technology – II

Various welding methods suitable for shipbuilding including electros slag and electro gas welding process; Solid state welding that produce sound joints at temperatures much below the parent metal
melting temperature.

Lecture 9: Ship Structure Reliability

Uncertainties in loads and strength, Combination of uncertanties. Linear error theory, Advanced first
order second moment method,Safety index, Probability of failures.

Lecture 10: Ultimate Strength of Hull Girders

Progressive collapse analysis of hull girder, load shortening curves Smith’s method.

Lecture 11: Distortion Control I The panels, subassemblies and assemblies being welded are subjected to thermal cycles of heating followed by cooling. As the weld metal and the base metal cool down to the room temperature residual stresses and shrinkage forces develop. These stresses and forces result into various types of weld induced structural distortion.

Lecture 12: Distortion Control II

Distortion control needs to start from implementation of appropriate design and fabrication techniques. Distortion mitigation can be done through heat sinking. Mitigation of buckling
distortion of stiffened panels can be done by applying an active distortion mitigation technique known as Thermo-Mechanical Tensioning (TMT).

Duration: 3 Days

Cost: 27500Rs


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