Design & Analysis of Floating Wind Turbine Structures
The Lecture includes Structural Response under blast loading. The fundamental of blast loading such as the Principle of the scaling law, blast profile are introduced. The basic design principles in the relevant design guidance such as SCI (1999), TM5-1300(1990) will be also introduced, which include numerical method (classical solution and incremental solution) to solve the structural response; The way to assess the structural response and human response using Iso-Damage diagrams (PressureImpulse diagrams); design procedure for steel and reinforced concrete members under the blast loading.
This syllabus also includes Structural Response under Fire. Basics of fire physics and the engineering idealisations made to characterise fire induced “loading” on structural systems. Detailed description of the key features of behaviour of common engineering materials (primarily steel and concrete) under high temperatures and the key responses expected when simple structural systems are exposed to fire.
Traditional methods of design to ensure adequate fire resistance and recent trends towards performancebased engineering in a probabilistic framework.
On completion of the course you will be able to apply a sound knowledge of various technologies for
checking response of structures under fire and blast loading.
The course is intended for Engineers, Operations’ managers, Applied Scientists and Technologists
interested in design & structure under blast loading. Engineers, managers and scientists involved in
design, assessment and management of a wide range of engineering structures will also benefit from
this course.
Day 1
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 1: Overview of Floating Wind Turbine Concepts and Recent Developments
Mr Ben Smith
10.30 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 12.30 Lecture 2: Analysis Methods for Floating Wind Turbines
Mr Ben Smith
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 3: Design Requirements for Floating Wind Turbines
Mr Ben Smith
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Lecture 4: Ocean Wave Analysis Applied to Floating Wind Turbines
Dr Omar Khattab
Day 2
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 5: Wave and Current Loadings for Floating Wind Turbines
Dr Omar Khattab
10.30 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 12.30 Lecture 6: Hydrodynamic Design Aspects of Floating Wind Turbine Platforms
Dr Omar Khattab
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 7: Catenary Mooring System Analysis for FWT
Dr Omar Khattab
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Lecture 8: Tension Leg Mooring System Analysis for FWT
Dr Omar Khattab
Lecture Content
Lecture 1: Overview of Floating Wind Turbine Concepts and Recent Developments
• Brief Overview of Floating Wind Industry
• Benefits of Floating Wind
• Key Technology Types & Differences
• Key FOW Markets & Current Projects
Lecture 2: Analysis Methods for Floating Wind Turbines
• Key Design Requirements for FOWTs
• A Typical FOWT Overview
• Hull & Mooring Design Process
• Project Walkthrough
Lecture 3: Design Requirements for Floating Wind Turbines
• Overview of Coupled, Mooring analysis & Load analysis
• Use of CFD in FOWT design applications
• Model Testing of FOWTs
• Current and Future R&D Focus Areas
Lecture 4: Ocean Wave Analysis Applied to Floating Wind Turbines
Lecture 5: Wave and Current Loadings for Floating Wind Turbines
Offshore Environmental loads. Wave and current loads estimation by Morison Equation.
Force estimation by diffraction methods. Fatigue loading and motion response estimation of
floating wind turbines.
Lecture 6: Hydrodynamic Design Aspects of Floating Wind Turbine Platforms
• Brief review of the existing floating offshore wind turbine FOWT;
• Platform design: Column stabilized (Semi-Submersible), Spar type, Tension leg platform
• Design and analysis tools for global performance of FOWT;
• Dynamic interaction of turbine, tower, floating platform and mooring system.
Lectures 7 & 8: Mooring System Analysis for FWT – I & II: Catenary & Tension Leg
Modelling of the mooring system: semi – submersible platform, mooring lines, wind turbine
load and environmental load. Intact and damage analysis of the mooring lines and system
response. Effect of the variations of the environmental load on the dynamic response of FWT
Omar Khattab BSc, MSc, PhD, CEng, FRINA, MSANJ has been an independent consultant since
2007 working for various clients including Brooks Bell Jarret Kierman, Safety at Sea Ltd., Milford
Haven Port Authority, Svitzer Marine Ltd., Port of Belfast, Lloyds Register EMEA, Clydeport
Operation Ltd. and SACH Solicitors amongst others. Prior to becoming an independent consultant, Dr. Khattab was a lecturer at Alexandria University, Egypt, where he gained his undergraduate degree, for 5years. He obtained his MSc degree in Hydrodynamics from Alexandria University and his PhD from Japan in 1979. He then spent 5 years with the British Ship Research Association (BSRA) as Principal Research Officer at the Naval Architecture Department. During 1988-1993, Dr. Khattab worked in Senior and Management positions at BMT in the Ship Performance Department, the Fluid Dynamics Group and the Hydrodynamic Services at BMT CORTEC Ltd. After this spell at BMT, he returned to lecturing at Southampton Institute where he began as Senior lecturer for 2 years and was quickly promoted to Head of Maritime Technology. Dr. Khattab then moved to Brookes Bell Jarret Kirman in 2000 before beginning work as R & D Manager at Safety at Sea Ltd where he stayed until he began consultancy work. Dr. Khattab is a Fellow of Royal Institute of Naval Architects, a member of Japan Society of Naval Architects as well as a member of Kansai Society of Naval Architects. His areas of expertise include Ship Grounding and Collision, Hull Form Design, Fluid Mechanics, Ship Construction and Ship hydrodynamics amongst many others. His Consultancy work has included the Investigation of handling behaviour of new generation of Cruise Liners in Miami Harbour and the Design of berthing Jetty for Svitzer tugs in Milford Haven to name but a few.
Ben Smith is a Senior Naval Architect with 8 years’ experience in the design of fixed and floating
offshore structures and holds a MEng in Ship Science / Naval Architecture from Southampton
University. He has been involved in design projects at all stages from concept through FEED / detailed design and into construction; initially in the Oil and Gas industry but most recently in the Offshore Renewables industry. Ben has been involved in a range of floating wind projects which have included two pioneering UK projects; Dounreay Tri and most recently the Kincardine Wind Farm for which he acted as Lead Naval Architect.”
Duration: 2 Days
Cost: £850 + VAT
Analysis and Design of Submarine Structures in Scotland, Inverness, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dunfermline and other sites throughout the UK including onsite closed company courses are available.