NEC3/4 Programming – Advanced
Key elements
- Provides an introductory level overview of the NEC3/4 suite of contracts and the NEC Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) in more detail.
- Detailed review of key ECC contract clauses that deal with programming.
- The importance of establishing and managing the Accepted Programme as a critical success factor for projects.
- Use of the programme as a key management and commercial tool in terms of demonstrating both the detailed plan of executing the works, and considering the effect of change and the assessment of compensation events.
Recommended for
- Those who have some experience of working on the post-contract stage of NEC ECC contracts and want a better understanding of the programme requirements.
- Project managers wanting a better understanding of their role with respect to EC contract programmes – in approval of programmes, use in assessment of compensation events and in preparation of programmes when the contract requires
- Contractors wanting a better understanding of tender programme submissions, the Accepted programme and the preparation of programmes to support compensation event quotations.
You will learn about:
- Programme requirements in the ECC
- Changes from NEC3 to NE4 that affect programming
- The acceptance process and its contractual significance
- Logic linking of activities and the critical path
- Different types of float that are required to be demonstrated and who owns them
- Early warning process in relation to programmes
- Compensation events and effect on Completion Date
- Programme submissions + updates/reporting
Outline of the day’s programme
0900 – 0915 Registration and refreshments
0915 – 0930 Introductions and course overview
0930 – 1100 Session 1 – NEC3/4 ECC Programme Requirements
- Review of NEC3 “Time” terminology – Dates, Time and Programme
- Requirements for a programme submitted for acceptance (Clause 31.2)
- Programming requirements for an EC Short Contract
- NEC3/NEC4 differences
- Take Over; Acceleration
- Exercise – Contract requirements for the programme
1115 – 1245 Session 2 – Producing the programme
- The Accepted Programme
- Software options
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Building up the programme
- Linking with the ECC Activity Schedule (option A/C)
- Exercise – Preparing a programme
1330 – 1500 Session 3 – Reviewing and updating the programme
- Reviewing the Contractor’s programme
- Updating the programme
- Review of early warning and compensation event processes
- Requirements for programme to accompany CE quotations
- Keeping appropriate site records for programme and CE purposes
- Exercise – who owns the float?
1515 – 1615 Session 4 – Using the Accepted Programme for assessment of compensation events
- Incorporating programmes into the compensation event processes
- Exercise – impact of the sequence of CE notifications
- Dealing with multiple compensation events in a single programme
- Applying NEC ECC Practice Note 1 – Assessing delays due to compensation events
- Site record keeping to support CE quotations
- Exercise – programme and CE quotation for concurrent CEs
1615 – 1630 Summing Up/Q&A
Duration: 1 Day
Cost: £245 + Vat
NEC3/4 Programming Training Scotland, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Perth, England, Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle, and Liverpool onsite course available throughout the UK.