MF/1 Training – 2024 – Revision 7

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MF/1 Training

9.30 Introduction to MF/1

The suite of documents
Putting MF1 together

The underlying principles
and how this impacts on the actual terms

10.30 Defects Liability

Meeting the specification
Defects liability periods and Latent Defects
‘In lieu” of’ provisions
Final certificate and its effect

11.00 Coffee/tea

11.15 Programmes and Liability for Delays

Obligations on contractor
Liability including prolonged delay
Extensions of Time and Force Majeure
Acceleration issues
Notice requirements

12.00 Variations and Instructions

Purchaser’s right to require variations
Procedures for implementing variations
Limitation on purchasers rights right to require and limitations
Valuation and consequences on programme

12.30 The Testing Regime: Tests Before Completion & Performance Tests

Duty to carry our different tests
Consequences for failure and delay

1.30 Lunch

2.10 Limitations and Exclusion of Liability

Limitations & exclusions – financial loss
Exclusive remedies clause
The Final Certificate

2.45 The Standard Sub Contract: An Outline

Key provisions

3.00 Coffee/Tea

3.15 Payment Obligations

Engineer’s Duties
Rights on non-payment

4.00 Miscellanées Points

Termination for Contractor’ Default
Disputes procedures and options
Parent Company Guarantees and Bonds
Construction Act considerations
Revision 5 and Revision 6 Changes

4.45 Wrap Up

5.00 Close

Duration: 1 Day

Cost:£280 + VAT



MF/1 Contract Onsite Training also available

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