MF/1 Contract Training

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MF/1 Training

A seminar on the new Revision 6 of the MF/1 Conditions.

Why you should attend

The seminar is designed for all users (engineers, sales managers) and will provide a clear and practical outline of the MF/1 Contract Conditions.

It will therefore provide a useful guide/refresher on the core provisions of MF/1.

Revision  6, four years after the publication of Revision 5, coincides with the centenary of the publication of contract conditions by the IEE (IET).

The speaker

The speaker is Tony Ventrella MA, LL.B, Barrister,  a member of the IET/IMechE Drafting Panel since 1985 which created and revises MF/1.

In addition to the usual hard copy of the presentations, each delegate will receive a copy of the new MF/1 Revision 6 (normal cost £70).


  • Help delegates  understand the  principles, structure and core provisions of the Model Form
  • To explain the commercial and legal reasons behind key provisions
  • Key legal cases will be considered and explained.


The course will provide a clear and practical explanation of the application of MF/1 by lawyers who specialise in these conditions with plenty of opportunity for asking questions.

9.30        Introduction to MF/1                                                                          

Revision 6 Changes

The suite of documents  

The underlying principles


10.00      Defects  Liability                                

Meeting the specification

Defects liability periods and Latent Defects

In lieu” of’ provisions

Final certificate


10.45      Coffee/tea


11.00      Obligations and Liability for Delays                                              

Obligations on contractor

Liability including prolonged delay

Extensions of Time and Force Majeure

Acceleration issues

Notice requirements 


11.30      Variations and Instructions                                                            

Purchaser’s right to require variations

Procedures for implementing variations

Limitation on purchasers rights right to require and limitations

Valuation and consequences on programme


12.00      The Testing Regime: Tests Before Completion & Performance Tests              

Duty to carry our tests

Consequences for failure and delay


12.30      Limitations and Exclusion of Liability                                          

Limitations & exclusions – financial loss

Exclusive remedies clause

The Final Certificate


1.00        Lunch


2.00        Open Forum


2.15        The Standard Sub Contract: An Outline                                      

Key provisions


2.45        Coffee/Tea


3.00        Payment Obligations                                                                        


Engineer’s Duties

Rights on non-payment


3.30        Miscellanées Points                                                                         

Termination for Contractor’ Default

Disputes procedures and options

Parent Company Guarantees and Bonds


4.00        Open Forum


4.30        Seminar Ends


Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £280 VAT



MF/1 Training England – Solihull, Scotland – Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh and other sites throughout the UK including onsite closed company courses are available.

MF/1 Training in Denmark, Ghana, Nigeria and Qatar is also available.


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