HAZOP Training for Team Leaders – 3 Days

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HAZOP Training for Team Leaders

Course outline

The course will last for three days. The format will be highly interactive, both between the attendees and the trainer and also between the attendees.

Where possible, the format will incorporate the client’s HAZOP standard and be based upon the client’s P&IDs.

The course outline is as follows:

Day 1:

• The importance of process safety
• The role of HAZOP
• The HAZOP process – high level
• Setting up a HAZOP

Day 2:

• The HAZOP process in more detail step by step based upon a case study
• The art of HAZOP facilitation
• Team role play 1
• HAZOP reporting and recommendation close-out

Day 3:

• Team role play 2
• How to deal with problems that arise in a HAZOP
• Interface with Layer of Protection Analysis
• Advanced HAZOP facilitation

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