HAZOP Technique Training Course
Day 1 (HAZOP Technique)
09:00 1.1 Welcome & Introduction
- Delegates self-introduction
- Course outline
- Workshop arrangements
- Remembering Trevor Kletz (video)
09:30 1.2 Introduction to Process Safety
- Historical incidents
- Causes of accidents
- Occupational safety vs. process safety
10:00 1.3 HAZOP Essentials
- Deviations, parameters and guidewords
- Simple exercise to identify flow deviations
- Introduction to causes and consequences
10:40 15 mins Break
10:55 Exercise 1: Domestic shower
Individual working to introduce different parameters (flow, temperature and pressure)
11:20 1.4 HAZOP Methodology
- Examples of process deviations
- Different operating modes
- Identifying causes, consequences, safeguards
- Double jeopardy and common mode failure
12:15 1.5 Recording and Reporting
Clarity of wording, numbering system, cross-referencing actions
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise 2: Process HAZOP – Gasoline Storage Tank (tutored)
Tutored exercise to show the methodical approach to finding deviations
14:25 Exercise 3: Process HAZOP – Transfer pipeline
Using flow guidewords and illustrating how the HAZOP findings are recorded.
15:25 15 mins Break
15:40 1.6 Node Selection
Examples which show the application of noding guidance in practice
16:00 Exercise 4: Node selection example
Individual working to mark up a P&ID with node boundaries
16:40 Kahoot Quiz
16:50 Day 1 learned outcomes
Day 2 (HAZOP Technique)
09:00 Exercise 5: Process HAZOP – Fuel gas heater
Group working to use all the main process parameters
10:30 15 mins Break
10:45 Exercise 6: Procedure HAZOP – Draining reactor feed vessel
Group working on how to manage HAZOP with incomplete operating procedure
11:30 2.1 Types of HAZOP
- Sequence of HAZOP studies in a project
- Batch HAZOP
- Procedure HAZOP
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise 7: Hot Water Boiler
Group working on a procedure HAZOP for starting a boiler.
14:30 2.2 Roles of HAZOP Participants
- Facilitator
- Secretary
- Operations Representative
- Process Design Engineer
- Independent Engineer
- Instrument and Control Engineer
15:00 15 mins Break
- 15:15 3 Other Hazard Identification TechniquesHazard Identification (HAZID)
- Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
- BowTie Analysis
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
16:40 Day 2 learned outcomes
16:50 Kahoot Quiz
17:00 End of Day 2
Preparation for Syndicate Exercise no. 8 – Glycol Regeneration Plant
Note: Participants will be asked to read and understand the instructions for the ‘complex’ HAZOP syndicate exercise : allow approximately one hour.
Day 3 (HAZOP Technique)
Introduction to Process HAZOP Syndicate Exercise
Delegates will undertake a HAZOP study of a more ‘complex’ process – gas dehydration and glycol regeneration. Trainer leads the first node for 20 minutes.
09:00 Process HAZOP Exercise – 1st Node by tutor
09:30 Process HAZOP Exercise 1st Node – in Groups
10:15 Feedback on 1st Node
10:45 15 mins Break
11:00 Process HAZOP Exercise – 2nd node
12:15 Feedback on 2nd Node
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Process HAZOP Exercise – 3rd node
15:00 Feedback on 3rd Node
15:15 15 mins Break
15:30 Process HAZOP Exercise – 4th node
16:45 Feedback on 4th Node
17:00 End of Day 3
Duration: 3 Days
Cost: £995 + Vat
HAZOP Technique Training Course