HAZOP Technique and HAZOP Team Leader Training Course
Course Outline:
Day 1 (HAZOP Technique)
09:00 1.1 Welcome & Introduction
- Delegates self-introduction
- Course outline
- Workshop arrangements
- Remembering Trevor Kletz (video)
09:30 1.2 Introduction to Process Safety
- Historical incidents
- Causes of accidents
- Occupational safety vs. process safety
10:00 1.3 HAZOP Essentials
- Deviations, parameters and guidewords
- Simple exercise to identify flow deviations
- Introduction to causes and consequences
10:40 15 mins Break
10:55 Exercise 1: Domestic shower
Individual working to introduce different parameters (flow, temperature and pressure)
11:20 1.4 HAZOP Methodology
- Examples of process deviations
- Different operating modes
- Identifying causes, consequences, safeguards
- Double jeopardy and common mode failure
12:15 1.5 Recording and Reporting
Clarity of wording, numbering system, cross-referencing actions
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise 2: Process HAZOP – Gasoline Storage Tank (tutored)
Tutored exercise to show the methodical approach to finding deviations
14:25 Exercise 3: Process HAZOP – Transfer pipeline
Using flow guidewords and illustrating how the HAZOP findings are recorded.
15:25 15 mins Break
15:40 1.6 Node Selection
Examples which show the application of noding guidance in practice
16:00 Exercise 4: Node selection example
Individual working to mark up a P&ID with node boundaries
16:40 Kahoot Quiz
16:50 Day 1 learned outcomes
Day 2 (HAZOP Technique)
09:00 Exercise 5: Process HAZOP – Fuel gas heater
Group working to use all the main process parameters
10:30 15 mins Break
10:45 Exercise 6: Procedure HAZOP – Draining reactor feed vessel
Group working on how to manage HAZOP with incomplete operating procedure
11:30 2.1 Types of HAZOP
- Sequence of HAZOP studies in a project
- Batch HAZOP
- Procedure HAZOP
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise 7: Hot Water Boiler
Group working on a procedure HAZOP for starting a boiler.
14:30 2.2 Roles of HAZOP Participants
- Facilitator
- Secretary
- Operations Representative
- Process Design Engineer
- Independent Engineer
- Instrument and Control Engineer
15:00 15 mins Break
- 15:15 3 Other Hazard Identification TechniquesHazard Identification (HAZID)
- Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
- BowTie Analysis
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
- Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
16:40 Day 2 learned outcomes
16:50 Kahoot Quiz
17:00 End of Day 2
Preparation for Syndicate Exercise no. 8 – Glycol Regeneration Plant
Note: Participants will be asked to read and understand the instructions for the ‘complex’ HAZOP syndicate exercise : allow approximately one hour.
Day 3 (HAZOP Technique)
Introduction to Process HAZOP Syndicate Exercise
Delegates will undertake a HAZOP study of a more ‘complex’ process – gas dehydration and glycol regeneration. Trainer leads the first node for 20 minutes.
09:00 Process HAZOP Exercise – 1st Node by tutor
09:30 Process HAZOP Exercise 1st Node – in Groups
10:15 Feedback on 1st Node
10:45 15 mins Break
11:00 Process HAZOP Exercise – 2nd node
12:15 Feedback on 2nd Node
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Process HAZOP Exercise – 3rd node
15:00 Feedback on 3rd Node
15:15 15 mins Break
15:30 Process HAZOP Exercise – 4th node
16:45 Feedback on 4th Node
17:00 End of Day 3
Day 4 (Team Leader)
09:00 Course Outline
09:15 4.1 Risk Management
- Risk perception
- Key terminology
- Major accident hazard
- Risk management process
- Societal and individual risk
- Use of risk ranking
- Risk assessment methods
- ALARP principle
- Risk reduction and ‘hierarchy of controls’ (video)
- Inherent safety (video)
10:15 15 mins Break
10:30 Exercise 9: BP Texas City explosion
This video case study illustrates failures of people, procedures and design. Participants are invited to complete a questionnaire to identify the main causes and relevant safeguards which would have minimized the risk of explosion.
11:10 4.2 Planning the Study
- Scope & Timing
- Working arrangements, estimating duration, venue
- Managing documentation
- Preparing Terms of Reference
- Team selection
12:00 4.3 Raising and Closing Actions
- Raising and resolving actions
- Action tracking
- HAZOP report format
12:30 Lunch
13:30 4.4 SIL & LOPA
- Layers of protection
- Safety integrity level (SIL)
- Mechanical protection
- Layers of protection analysis (LOPA)
- LOPA case study : storage tank overfilling
14:20 4.5 Human Factors
- Types and causes of human error
- Human error probabilities
- Barriers to adopting human factors
- Ways to reduce human error
- How to incorporate HF into HAZOP studies
- Examples of HF application
14:50 Case Study: Road tanker offloading
Video, questionnaire and discussion
15:20 15 mins Break
15:35 4.6 Managing the Team
- Team leader’s role
- Authority of team leader
- Starting the meeting
- Team leader attributes
16:00 4.7 Meeting Leadership Skills
- Facilitation skills (video)
- Handling different personalities
- Desirable team behavior
- Success factors
- Avoiding pitfalls
16:40 Day 4 : learned outcomes
16:50 Kahoot quiz
17:00 End of Day 4
Day 5 (Team Leader)
09:00 5.1 Reliability of Protection Systems
- Reliability vs. availability
- Probability of failure on demand
- Redundancy and diversity
- Common mode failure
- Voting logic
- Failure data sources
09:40 5.2 Operability
- Causes of maloperation,
- Role of operator in HAZOP
- Maintenance hazards.
- Non-standard operations
10:00 5.3 Special Cases
- Interface HAZOP
- Managing post-HAZOP changes
- Management of Change (video)
- Re-validation HAZOP
- Delta HAZOP
10:30 15 mins Break
10:45 5.4 HAZOP Masterclass
The tutor’s career experience of leading HAZOP studies will be distilled into approx. 28 key lessons.
11:45 Exercise : HAZOP Leadership
Group members take turns to act as team leader in 40 minute sessions based on unused nodes from Exercise no. 8, with the tutor acting as the process engineer. The tutor will observe and score their performance against set criteria advised in advance, such as
- Defining the node
- Capturing all relevant deviations
- Quality of recording
- Engagement of all team members
- Time management
- Control of discussion
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Exercise : HAZOP Leadership, continued
15:00 15 mins Break
15:15 Exercise : HAZOP Leadership, continued
16:30 Day 5 : learned outcomes
16:40 Review of course content with reference to the Course Notes
16:55 Group photo
17:00 End of Day 5
Duration: 5 Days
Cost: £1995 + Vat
HAZOP Team Leader Training Course