Design & Analysis of Submarine Structures
About the Course
Most submarine designs are weight critical, especially as operational diving depth increases. It follows that designers will strive to select an available high strength low density material compatible with good fabricability and toughness. Toughness is required not only for the usual low temperature reasons, but also to resist high dynamic loads from depth charge attack. High strength steels have proved to be reasonably satisfactory, the main limitation being how to achieve adequate weldability and toughness for military submarines with steels above about 700N/mm2 proof stress. More exotic materials would be considered for depths exceeding 1000m say. At really great depths the required pressure hull thicknesses can become so large that buckling ceases to be a problem even with low modulus materials and frames can effectively be dispensed with. In many respects the design then becomes simpler and the conventional safety factor can be reduced. This course is meant to provide comprehensive coverage of structural design and also concentrate on philosophy and underlying essentials and strength formulations for design.
Who Should Attend
The course is intended for Engineers, Operations’ managers, Fabricators, Applied Scientists and Technologists interested in submarine design. On completion of the course you will be able to apply a sound knowledge of various technologies for the analysis and design of submarine /submersibles structures.
08.30 – 09.00 Delegate Registration
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 1: An Overview of Submarine Design – John McCormick
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 12.15 Lecture 2: Material Selection, Fabrication & Tolerances – John McCormick
12.15 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.30 Lecture 3: Submarine Structures I – Purnendu Das
15.30 – 16.00 Break
16.00 – 17.00 Lecture 4: Submarine Structures II – Purnendu Das
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 5: Design Codes & Examples – Purnendu Das
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 12.15 Lecture 6: Finite Element Analysis I – Derek Graham
12.15 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 7: Finite Element Analysis II – Derek Graham
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Lecture 8: Finite Element Analysis III – Derek Graham
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 9: Structural Reliabilitytheory – Purnendu Das
10.30 – 10.45 Break
10.45 – 12.15 Lecture 10: Structural Reliability – Application to Submarine Structures – Purnendu Das
12.15 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 11: Fatigue Analysis I – Fraser Livingstone
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Lecture 12: Fatigue Analysis II – Fraser Livingstone
17.00 Closure
John McCormick -Head of Structural Engineering at BAE Systems Submarines in Barrow-in-Furness John is an Engineering manager with 22 years’ experience of ship and submarine structural design and analysis. For the last 15 years he has managed the teams responsible for undertaking the structural design of Astute Class submarines and the Successor to Vanguard Class. This includes the design of all major structural elements such as pressure hull, decks, tanks, mounted modules, nuclear containment structure, external structures etc. as well as many critical structural submarine components including pipe stressing responsibilities. In the past John has also provided design support to Vanguard and Upholder Class submarines. His group has also held structural design authority for Barrow designed surface ships including LPD (Landing Platform Dock) and AO (Auxiliary Oilers).
Purnendu Das. BE, ME, PhD, C.Eng, C.MarEng, FRINA, FIStructE, FIMarEST has been the Director of ‘ASRANet Ltd’ (an ISO 9001-2008 certified company) since February 2006. He retired as Professor of Marine Structures in the Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, UK. Past EU projects were MARSTRUCT (a network of excellence on Marine Structure) and SHIPDISMANTL (a cost effective and environmentally friendly dismantling of ship structures). Past industrial projects included work from the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), MoD UK, Subsea-7 UK, Shell, Woodgroup and US Navies etc. He was the principal investigator of many EPSRC projects. Before joining the University of Glasgow in 1991 he worked with British Maritime Technology as Principal Structural Engineer (1984-91). He is the author of more than 250 publications, including contract reports and more than 60 journal papers and is a member of the editorial boards of the ‘Journal of Marine Structures’, ‘Journal of Oean and Ship Technology’, and ‘Journal of Ocean and Climate System’ amongst others. His areas of research include limit state design and analysis & reliability analysis of ship & offshore structures. Purnendu Das has wide ranging industrial and academic contacts and has advised and supervised 20 PhD students, to his credit. Details of visits and collaborations include his various sabbatical study periods spent at University of California, Berkeley, USA (July – September 1996), at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (August 1997), Kockums Ltd (July 1998) and spent some time at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon (July 2000). He has been running various successful CPD courses which are attracting many people from different industries. These courses are on ‘Fatigue & Fracture Analysis’, ‘Ships at Sea’, ‘Advanced Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures’, ‘Offshore Floating System Design’, ‘Structural Response under Fire and Blast Loading’ and ‘Design of Pipelines and Risers’ amongst others. He was a member of ISC (International Ship and Offshore Structure Congress) for the periods of 1991-97 and 2003-2006. He was a member of the OMAE (Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering) Organising Committee on ‘Safety and Reliability’. He has organised six ASRANet International Conferences in 2002 (Glasgow), 2004 (Barcelona), 2006 (Glasgow), 2008 (Athens), 2010 (Edinburgh) and 2012 (London) where a large number of participants from various countries attended. The theme of the conference is the integration of risk, advanced structural analysis and structural reliability analysis as applicable to various engineering structures. He is now the member of “Research committee” of the Institution of Structural Engineers (I.Struct.E) London.
Derek Graham, B.Sc., Ph.D., CEng., MIMech Principal Engineer, Platform Design QinetiQ. He has worked in the field of Submarine Structures at QinetiQ and its predecessor organisations at Rosyth since 1991. He has primarily been involved in the development and application of finite element analysis methods to a range of submarine structures applications. Work on the prediction of non-linear static collapse has investigated the effects of shape imperfection, residual stresses, and material behaviour and provided validation against legacy test models. This has contributed to the design methodology of current and future submarines. He has worked on low and high frequency dynamic analysis in the context of environmental loading including wave loading, blast and explosive loading and has worked in composite materials. Currently he is involved in developing practical analyses of important effects including the residual stresses and distortions caused by welding and weld repair, fracture and fatigue crack growth and fluid structure interactions.
Fraser Livingstone is a Managing Consultant with QinetiQ, leading the Maritime Platforms Submarine Non-Destructive Evaluation and Structural Integrity Team. He is the recognised UK authority on Submarine fatigue and Nondestructive evaluation (NDE). Fraser has over thirty years of experience of NDE, materials testing and fatigue analysis. In this time he has conducted studies into the development and practical application of advanced ultrasonic Time-of-Flight- Diffraction (ToFD) and Phased Array (PA) for the assessment of welded structures. He is the author of the advanced ultrasonic ToFD and PA inspection guidelines for submarine pressure hull welds and complex geometry butt welds within Defence Standard 02-729 Pt.5 Ultrasonic. He is the editor of Defence Standard 02-729 Pt.1 to Pt. 4 covering radiographic, magnetic particle, eddy current and liquid penetrant testing. Fraser is a co-author of the advanced thick >16 mm, ‘fitness-for-purpose’ weld defect acceptance criteria, based on fracture mechanics and fatigue, incorporated within Defence Standard 02-773, a Category 1 defence standard, of which Fraser is the editor. He is the author of the advanced thin section, 6 mm to 16 mm, weld defect acceptance criteria and advanced ultrasonic inspection procedures, which can be used in-lieu of radiography. He is the originator of the derived experimental stress-life (S-N) fatigue curves for, high strength quenched and tempered steels, Butt and T-butt welds used in the fatigue analysis and assessment of submarine pressure hulls. He has conducted a number of critical engineering assessments (ECA’s) involving critical fatigue and fracture assessments supported by forensic NDE examinations, for the MOD, on both surface and sub-surface naval platforms, including the assessment of techniques for the inspection of FRP composite structures. He has given lectures on these subjects for QinetiQ to UK MOD and stakeholders in the submarine community, and has presented a number of papers on both Fatigue and NDE at national and international conferences and workshops. For a time Fraser was the UK Project Manager and overall Project Coordinator for a European Commission MASTIII three-year EU research project on ‘Composite Pressure Housings’ for deep sea applications, involving partners from industry and universities (IFREMER, SOC, NTUA, CNIM, TNO) from five EU countries. Composite pressure vessels were successfully deployed at sea at a depth of 2,100 metres for 13 months duration and tested to collapse at a pressure equivalent to slightly over 6,000 metres. As a Managing Consultant and Technical Lead his responsibilities is to provide strategic advice to MOD stakeholders, prime contractors and commercial customers, on structural integrity, inspection and evaluation issues.
Duration: 3 Days
Cost: £650 + VAT
Design & Analysis of Submarine Structures training Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dunfermline and other sites throughout the UK including onsite closed company courses are available.
Design & Analysis of Submarine Structures training Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, India, Ghana and Nigeria is also available