Conflict Avoidance Training – Scotland

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Conflict Avoidnace Training Course

This course provides training in relation to Conflict Avoidance on construction and engineering projects in Scotland.

The sessions will cover the following:

  • What causes construction disputes?
  • What measures can the public sector take to avoid construction disputes?
  • What is the ethos behind the Conflict Avoidance Process, and how does it work in practice?
  • What is the Conflict Avoidance Pledge?
  • Consider the Best Practice Guide implemented by the Construction Industry Collaborative Voice.
  • An explanation of the CIC Low Value Adjudication procedure.
  • An explanation of the RICS Summary Adjudication Procedure
  • A discussion on the problems of taking a dispute to Adjudication, including the risks and the associated costs.
  • Is mediation an alternative to the above processes?
  • Case Studies.
  • Q and A session
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