Confined Spaces / Vessel Entry

Request info

Course duration: 2 Days

Cost: £375 +VAT


To provide delegates that may be exposed to working in a confined space the information that will enable the work to be carried out in a safe manner. The course will identify the potential hazards of confined space access and egress and how to manage those hazards.
A “confined space means any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, trench, pipe, sewer, flue, well or other similar space in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonable foreseeable specified risk” (Confined Space Regulations 1997).


• Legislation specific to confined space work
• Management/Supervisory duties under the Regulation
• Safe systems of work – Permits to work
• Atmospheric testing, monitoring and deterioration
• Properties of gases
• Safety Equipment
• Standby personnel role and responsibilities
• Self contained Breathing apparatus
• Emergency procedures escape procedures
• Written assessment

Practical exercises using the ‘Restricted Access Trainer’ including the use of breathing apparatus, winches and rescue equipment.

Practical exercises can be tailored to simulate the working environment of the delegates as long as this has been agreed prior to the course start.

A full rescue scenario will be carried out during the practical element of the course.

Due to the nature of the course, delegates must be medically fit, and will be required to complete a written health and fitness statement prior to the course.

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