Concrete Technology & Construction for Project Managers

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Course duration: 2 day

Cost: £595 + VAT

A two-day training course for Project Managers

Course Tutor: Tony Binns MCIPD (Chartered) MICT


Day 1

Arrival, registration, opening address and introductions
Review of concrete properties.
Materials and composition of concrete
Fly ash
Ground granulated blastfurnace slag
Silica fume
Mixing water including reclaimed water
Free water/cement ratio
Early-age cracking, crack widths
Grading of watertight basements
Classes of finishes, flatness of slabs and suitability for follow on trades
Formed / unformed finishes
Achieving high quality surface finishes
Revisions to Standard tests, BS EN 12350, 12390
Air content
Making and curing of test cubes.

Day 2

Conformity and identity testing
Concrete specification:
BS EN 206-1 / BS 8500 / SD1
Concrete Classes
Concrete types
Air-entrainment and freeze/thaw resistance and alternatives
Sulfate resistance
Performance specifications
Hot and cold weather working
Procuring concrete, checking mix design submissions, what to watch for.
Quality schemes for concrete
Management of concrete on site
Concrete maturity and striking times
Training, education and qualifications
Conformity criteria
Action on non-conformity – What to do when cubes fail
Assessment of in situ concrete
Core testing
Non-destructive testing
Recent developments in concrete technology
High strength concrete
Non-ferrous reinforcement
Manufactured aggregates
Self-compacting concrete
Action plan
Final discussion and course close.

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