Advanced Reservoir Simulation Technologies (RES06)

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Advanced Reservoir Simulation Training (5 Days)

This course deals with various algorithms, concepts and the possible uses of reservoir simulators in creating dynamic reservoir models. These are used to investigate reservoir behaviour, optimise reservoir performance, design complex wells, estimate uncertainties and form the basis for risk assessment. New developments combined with new simulation techniques so as to eliminate most of the drawbacks of conventional simulation methods and make predictions more reliable are also dealt with.

Course Level: Advanced
Instructor: Leonhard Ganzer

Designed for you, if you are…
An experienced reservoir engineer
In possession of basic skills in reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation
Experienced to some extent in the use of commercial reservoir simulators
How we build your confidence
You will be encouraged to engage in discussions on your experience with simulation studies. Best practices and simulation artefacts are explained with examples useful for project work. Exchange among participants during the course is stimulated to optimize the learning event.

The benefits from attending
By the end of the course you will feel more confident in your understanding of:-

  • Artefacts and the benefits of reservoir simulation
  • Different gridding technologies, their advantages and disadvantages
  • When reservoir models are fit-for-purpose and when to expect instabilities
  • How to perform data quality checks on input data and resulting simulation model
  • Different history matching approaches
  • Black-oil vs. compositional simulation
  • Formulation details in dual porosity / dual permeability models and their consequences


  • History and classification of reservoir simulators
  • Review of rock and fluid properties for simulation deck input
  • Upgridding and upscaling
  • General purpose formulation and discretization methods used for black-oil and EOS compositional simulators
  • Gridding – structured and unstructured gridding approaches, Cartesian grids, Corner point grids, Voronoi grids
  • Modelling vertical and sloping faults in simulation
  • Representing wells in the reservoir simulation model
  • Solution methods and tuning parameter
  • Initialization of reservoir simulation models
  • History matching
  • Compositional reservoir simulation
  • Simulation of fractured reservoirs – numerical model, matrix-fracture exchange, recovery processes

Duration: 5 Days

Cost: 3,300 EUR + VAT

Advanced Reservoir Simulation Technologies Training in the Netherlands, Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness, Aberdeen and onsite course available throughout the UK.

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