Advanced Analysis & Offshore Structures Training
The primary objective of this short course is to provide an in-depth understanding of the structural response of offshore structures based on both component and system. This will be useful to engineering graduates and experienced draughtsmen who hold active line responsibilities in the design of offshore structures and offshore systems. The course is designed in such a way that at the end of the lectures, the person will have a very broad understanding of the behaviour of offshore structures under a variety of loading and operating conditions. The syllabus will include: structural modelling of both fixed and floating offshore structures. The course is intended for practising engineers and research scientists who need to understand the concepts behind the behaviour of offshore structure and system at sea.
Who Should Attend
Engineers and scientists involved in the design of offshore structures. Personnel from oil companies, classification societies and offshore structure builders will benefits from attending this course. The course is innovative in both content & structure with a careful balance of theory & practice.
Day 1
08.30 – 09.00 Delegate Registration
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 1: Overview of advances in offshore structure design -Trevor Hodgson, Atkins global
10.30 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 12.30 Lecture 2: Structural modelling of fixed platforms – I. – Trevor Hodgson, Atkins global
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 3: Structural modelling of fixed platforms – II. – Trevor Hodgson, Atkins global
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Lecture 4: Design of Columns and beam columns. – Purnendu Das
Day 2
09.00 – 10.30 Lecture 5: Analysis and design of stiffened plate – I. – Purnendu Das
10.30 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 12.30 Lecture 6: Analysis and design of stiffened plate – II. – Purnendu Das
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Lecture 7: Analysis and design of stiffened shells. – Purnendu Das
15.00 – 15.30 Break
15:30 – 17:00 Lecture 8: Structural Reliability of stiffened shells – Purnendu Das
Purnendu Das
Purnendu Das. BE, ME, PhD, C.Eng, C.MarEng, FRINA, FIStructE, FIMarEST has been the Director of ‘ASRANet Ltd’ (an ISO 9001-2008 certified company) since February 2006. He retired as Professor of Marine Structures in the Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, UK. Past EU projects were MARSTRUCT (a network of excellence on Marine Structure) and SHIPDISMANTL (a cost effective and environmentally friendly dismantling of ship structures). Past industrial projects included work from the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), MoD UK, Subsea-7 UK, Shell, Woodgroup and US Navies etc. He was the principal investigator of many EPSRC projects. Before joining the University of Glasgow in 1991 he worked with British Maritime Technology as Principal Structural Engineer (1984-91). He is the author of more than 250 publications, including contract reports and more than 60 journal papers and is a member of the editorial boards of the ‘Journal of Marine Structures’, ‘Journal of S ip & Offshore Structures’, ‘Journal of Engineering under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment and Mitigation’ and ‘Journal of Ocean and Climate System’ amongst others. His areas of research include limit state design and analysis & reliability analysis of ship & offshore structures. Purnendu Das has wide ranging industrial and academic contacts and has advised and supervised 20 PhD students, to his credit. Details of visits and collaborations include his various sabbatical study periods spent at University of California, Berkeley, USA (July – September 1996), at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (August 1997), Kockums Ltd (July 1998) and spent some time at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon (July 2000). He has been running various successful CPD courses which are attracting many people from different industries. These courses are on ‘Fatigue & Fracture Analysis’, ‘Ships at Sea’, ‘Advanced Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures’, ‘Offshore Floating System Design’, ‘Structural Response under Fire and Blast Loading’ and ‘Design of Pipelines and Risers’ amongst others. He was a member of ISSC (International Ship and Offshore Structure Congress) for the periods of 1991-97 and 2003-2006. He was a member of the OMAE (Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering) Organising Committee on ‘Safety and Reliability’. He has organised six ASRANet International Conferences in 2002 (Glasgow), 2004 (Barcelona), 2006 (Glasgow), 2008 (Athens), 2010 (Edinburgh) and 2012 (London) where a large number of participants from various countries attended. The theme of the conference is the integration of risk, advanced structural analysis and structural reliability analysis as applicable to various engineering structures. He is now the member of “Research committee” of the Institution of Structural Engineers (I.Struct.E) London.
Trevor Hodgson
Trevor Hodgson is in his second spell with Atkins, having been with them in total for well over thirty years. He has spent the majority of this time working in offshore-related areas, both in the technical execution of this work and in the management of teams of engineers to achieve specified goals. He has extensive experience of conceptual and detail design for jacket structures and topsides, including over thirty platforms in SE Asia, and concrete structures in the North Sea and worldwide. His experience encompasses both shallow and deeper water platforms of steel and concrete construction, drilling riser and conductor analysis, semi-submersible and FPSO vessels, high-speed aluminium surface craft, and even peer review for the nuclear industry. He has recently been involved in the development of concepts and detailed designs for the offshore renewable energy market, including wind, wave and tidal energy conversion devices, most recently Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) substructures. He is highly experienced in the application and interpretation of advanced finite element analysis methods for the design process and has used this experience to great effect in the development and support of engineering software, primarily the ASAS: OFFSHORE suite for the oil and gas industry, now part of ANSYS. He is the author of numerous texts on structural design and analysis, was convenor of a panel covering Structural Analysis of Fixed Concrete Platforms for the ISO standard on offshore installations, and lectures for ASRANet and the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde on offshore structures and renewables.
e Duration: 2 Days
Cost: £650 + VAT