Accident Investigation

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Course duration: 1 Day

Accident Investigation

Cost: £275 + VAT

Course Aims:

To provide managers, supervisors, safety advisors and those assisting in accident investigations with the knowledge to effectively participate in the collation
and analysis of relevant information to achieve positive results.

Introduction and Setting Course Objectives

Understanding Accidents

What is an accident? Understanding the difference between accidents and injuries. The
relationship between injuries, accidents, near misses etc. Understanding the difference
between hazards and risks in construction.

Accident and Ill-Health Reporting

Reportable accidents, notifiable dangerous occurrences and illnesses appertaining to the construction industry. Who has to submit the reports and to whom? Non-statutory notifications, lost time accidents, accident book entries near-miss recording. Benefiting from accident statistics.

Accident Prevention Techniques

Tried and tested methods of accident prevention. Domino theory. Total loss control.

Accident Investigations

Principles of accident investigation. Taking of statements. Detailed investigation of facts and contributory factors. Powers of inspectors to take statements. Providing evidence to solicitors and the HSE. Determining the actual causes of an accident.

Practical Exercise: Determining the cause of an accident.

Cost of Accidents

Establishing the true cost of accidents in financial terms as well as in terms of human suffering. Hidden costs of accidents. Employers’ liability compulsory insurance.

Practical Exercise: Establishing the cost of an accident.

Investigation Reporting and Corrective Actions

Cost/Benefit decisions for corrective actions. The content of an accident investigation report.

Course Review and Conclusion

Course Objectves

Upon completion of the course, delegates should be able to:-

– appreciate the causes of accidents and ill-health in the construction industry;

– understand the elements that combine to form an accident prevention programme;

– know the legal requirements for injuries, dangerous occurrences and ill-health to be reported;

– effectively contribute to an accident investigation

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