Category Management and Strategic Sourcing

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Course duration: 2 Days

Course Running Order

Day One

Category Management and Strategic Sourcing defined
· Who is using it?
· How it differs from other procurement strategies
· What are the expected benefits?

Building a business case
· The drivers and enablers to the business case
· Systems
· Design authorities
· Structure and skills

Designing the project
· Governance structures
· Resources
· Budgets and timescales
· Monitoring performance

Day two

Key tools and techniques
· Cost and spend analysis
· Supply base analysis
· Market research and market evaluation
· Sizing the opportunities
· Prioritising opportunities

Building the case
· Stakeholders
· Constraints and restraints
· Market issues and sensitivity analysis
· Implementation costs

Winning the argument and committing to the process

Course objective

To outline current best practice in key aspects of category management and strategic sourcing

Who should attend?

The course is intended for experienced practitioners seeking to gain a detailed understanding of this modern approach to procurement in the large organisation.
Attendees will gain an insight into the introduction of category based sourcing strategies built around a project based approach and tools and techniques that have been developed to maximise purchasing impact on its supply chains.

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