NEC3 Pre-contract preparation under the NEC

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NEC3 Pre – Contract Training (with focus on the ECC)

Background : The development of a ‘fit for purpose’ contract strategy is perhaps the most important set of decisions for a successful contract. Perhaps the most important set of actions for a successful, which flow from these decisions, are the development of the contract documents.

It can use worked examples to illustrate the points made or a client’s current projects to develop the contract strategy.

Objectives : At the end of the course, participants should know how to :

  • develop a contract strategy and hence what choice of options etc. to make under the NEC3 family of contracts.
  • fill out the Employer’s Contract Data part 1
  • develop and structure the technical documents
  • evaluate the pricing information in the Contractor’s Contract Data part 2 and
  • what to ask for and then evaluate as part of the Contractor’s Quality Submission.

Outline Programme:

  • Start Up & 20 minute overview of the NEC3 family
  •  Contracting Strategy:

– Principles & Process for developing a ‘fit for purpose’ contract strategy

– Which contract? Discussion / exercise.

– Which main payment option? Discussion / exercise.

– Which secondary options? Discussion / exercise.

–  Fine tuning & implementing the contracting strategy: filling out the Employer’s Contract Data part 1  covering other aspects of flexibility.

  •  Developing and structuring the technical information – Works Information, Site Information & pricing documents – to implement the contract strategy.
  • Understanding the structure of the Schedule of Cost Components
  • Evaluating Contractors’ Contract Data Part 2, including the tricks they play.
  • Contractors’ Quality Submissions: what to ask, what to look for & how to ensure they do it !
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