Using the Negotiated Procedure

Request info

Course duration: 2 Days

Course running order

Day 1

The Impact of Gershon’s Efficiency Review
The Negotiated Procedure
How the Negotiated Procedure Compares with the Restricted Procedure
Recent Case Law impacting on the use of the Negotiated Procedure
The stages in the Procurement Process

Defining Requirements and Specification Development
Developing Performance Measures
Pricing Mechanisms
Contractual Issues
Risk Management
Using Due Diligence
Supplier Negotiation

Day 2

The emphasis of the second day will be to take an example of a procurement project and use as a case study to relate the discussion points to the development of a strategy for a procurement that can use the negotiated procedure.


Course objective

This programme is designed to improve delegates’ awareness of the issues created by the use of the Negotiated Procedure as laid down by the EU Procurement Directives.

Who should attend?

Public sector procurement or non-procurement personnel involved in securing agreement for complex procurements that will involve contracting with external suppliers.

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