*VIRTUAL* – Tall Building Fire Safety Management

Request info

Online Tall Building Fire Safety Management Training Course

Ideal for anyone tasked with fire safety management of mixed use/business high rise

Leads to a recognised qualification via ‘Skills for Justice’

5 days of expert tuition from 5 World Class subject experts

Includes full notes, slides, references , management tools and templates

Course includes; case studies, Prevention, Detection and Alarm, Escape, Containment,
Firefighting and BCP.

Fire strategies, facades, fire risk assessment, lifts, smoke control, car parks, retail,
wayfinding, compartmentation.

Duration: 5 Days

Cost: £1995 + Vat


Tall Building Fire Safety Management Online Training Course.

Tall Building Fire Safety Management Virtual Training Course.

Online Tall Building Fire Safety Management Training Course.

Virtual Tall Building Fire Safety Management Training Course.

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