*VIRTUAL* – Risk Analysis & Reliability Engineering – Online

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Online Risk and Reliability Training

About The Course

The course duration is 4 days and will consist of both theoretical and practical applications of risk and reliability engineering. The course will introduce the fundamentals of Risk analysis and reliability engineering. Reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) Analysis will be dealt with. Quantity risk analysis, basic statistics, distribution of failure, reliability of failure, consequences of failure and monte-carlo simulations (MCS). On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

1) identify and analyse the concepts and principals of risk and reliability engineering and their potential applications to different engineering problems.

2) Assess and analyse appropriate approaches to the collection and interpretation of data in the application of risk and reliability engineering methods.

3) Evaluate and select appropriate techniques and tools for qualitative and quantitative risk analysis and reliability assessment.

4) Analyse and evaluate failure distributions, failure likelihood and potential consequences and develop solutions for control/mitigation of risks.

Who Should Attend?

This training is suitable for mechanical, process, energy engineers and professionals that want to obtain knowledge on applied aspects of risk and reliability engineering.


Day 1

07.00 – 08.30 Lecture 1: Introduction:

Basic concept of Safety and Risk Analysis. Definition of Reliability, Maintainability, Availability and Resilience. Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Assessment. Risk based decision making.
Dr Peter Dunning

08.30 – 08.45 Break

08.45 – 10.15 Lecture 2: Basic statistics

Introduction to statistics and basic statistical terms (e.g. correlation, covariance, etc.)
Prof Purnendu Das

10.15 – 11.15 Break

11.15 – 12.45 Lecture 3: Basic probability

Introduction to Probability with a focus on understanding and being apple to apply basic concepts
Prof Purnendu Das

Day 2

07.00 – 08.30 Lecture 4: Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis: Interpretation of statistical output and data visualization; Introduction to regression modelling techniques – Dr Srinivas Sriramula

08.30 – 08.45 Break

08.45 – 10.15 Lecture 5: Data analysis and Distribution fitting

Hypothesis testing; goodness of fit distribution tests – Dr Srinivas Sriramula

10.15-11.15 Break

11.15-12.45 Lecture 6: Risk analysis methods

Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (FMEA) and its extension to include criticality (FMECA) for risk prioritisation.
Event and fault tree methods for risk analysis of complex systems.
Dr Peter Dunning

Day 3

07:00– 08.30 Lecture 7: RAMs analysis

Reliability block diagrams. Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) analysis of components and systems.
Dr Peter Dunning

08:30-08:45 Break

08.45– 10.15 Lecture 8: HAZOP and Functional Safety

Hazard and operability study analysis (HAZOP); elements of functional safety analysis
Dr Srinivas Sriramula

10.15 – 11.15 Break

11.15 – 12.45 Lecture 9: Safety integrity levels – assessment and verification

SIL fundamentals, target risk levels, SIL assessment, Markov processes: basic elements
Dr Srinivas Sriramula

Day 4 

07.00-08.30 Lecture 10 Structural Reliability-1

Nature of uncertainties, objective and subjective uncertainties, combination of uncertainties
Prof Purnendu Das

08.30-08.45 Break

08.45 – 10.15 Lecture 11: Structural Reliability-2

Levels of reliabilities and analysis, FORM and SORM
Prof Purnendu Das

10.15 – 11.15 Break

11.15 – 12.45 Lecture 12: Efficient Monte Carlo

simulation methods
Advantages and limitation of Monte Carlo methods. Advanced Mont Carlo methods for reliability analysis. Important sampling, Line Sampling and Subset Simulation.
Dr Peter Dunning



Professor Purnendu Das
BE, ME, PhD, C.Eng, C.MarEng, FRINA, FIStructE, FIMarEST
has been the Director of ‘ASRANet from its inception in February 2006. He retired as Professor of Marine Structures in the Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering at the University of Strathclyde, UK. Past EU projects were MARSTRUCT (a network of excellence on Marine Structure) and SHIPDISMANTL (a cost effective and environmentally friendly dismantling of ship structures). Past industrial projects included work from the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), MoD UK, Subsea-7 UK, Shell, Wood group and US Navies etc. He was the principal investigator of many EPSRC projects. Before joining the University of Glasgow in 1991 he worked with British Maritime Technology as Principal Structural Engineer (1984-91). He is the author of more than 250 publications, including contract reports and more than 60 journal papers and was a member of the editorial boards of the ‘Journal of Marine Structures’, ‘Journal of Ship & Offshore Structures’, ‘Journal of Engineering under Uncertainty: Hazards, Assessment and Mitigation’ and ‘Journal of Ocean and Climate System’ amongst others. His areas of research include limit state design and analysis & reliability analysis of ship & offshore structures. Professor Das has wide ranging industrial and academic contacts and has advised and supervised 20 PhD students, to his credit. Details of visits and collaborations include his various sabbatical study periods spent at University of California, Berkeley, USA (July – September 1996), at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (August1997), Kockums Ltd (July 1998) and spent some time at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon (July 2000). He has been running various successful CPD courses which are attracting many people from different industries. These courses are on ‘Fatigue & Fracture Analysis’, ‘Ships at Sea’, ‘Advanced Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures’, ‘Offshore Floating System Design’, ‘Structural Response under Fire and Blast Loading’ and ‘Design of Pipelines and Risers’ amongst others. He was a member of ISSC (International Ship and Offshore Structure Congress) for the periods of 1991-97 and 2003 – 2006. He was a member of the OMAE (Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering) Organising Committee on ‘Safety and Reliability’. He has organised six ASRANet International Conferences in 2002 (Glasgow), 2004
(Barcelona), 2006 (Glasgow), 2008 (Athens), 2010 (Edinburgh) and 2012 (London) where a large number of participants from various countries attended. The theme of the conference is the integration of risk, advanced structural analysis and structural reliability analysis as applicable to various engineering structures. He was the member of Research committee of the Institution of Structural Engineers (I.Struct.E) London for 3 years (2014- 2017). At present he is a visiting professor at the University of Montenegro, Montenegro and University of Stavanger, Norway.

Dr Srinivas Sriramula

Dr Srinivas Sriramula is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen. Dr Sriramula specialises in technical safety computations and has over 15 years research experience in developing uncertainty quantification schemes for engineering systems. To date he has participated in a number of collaborative research projects on asset risk, reliability and maintenance modelling, funded by InnovateUK, International Government agencies, Industrial partners, and the Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF).
Dr Sriramula is a Chartered Engineer (IMechE) and currently coordinates the MSc in Safety and Reliability Engineering (including for Oil&Gas), MSc Subsea Engineering and MSc Offshore Engineering at the University of Aberdeen.

Dr Peter Dunning

MEng, PhD, CEng MIMechE, FHEA, lecturer in the School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen and programme leader for Mechanical Engineering. Taught a masters level course on Engineering Risk and Reliability Analysis since 2016. Research interests include optimal design and decision making under uncertainty, combining risk and reliability analysis with optimisation methods, particularly reliability-based structural optimisation. First degree in aerospace engineering from University of Bath (2007) and has worked at Airbus UK and NASA, before joining the University of Aberdeen in 2015

Duration: 4 Days

Cost: £995 + Vat


Online Risk Analysis and Reliability Training

Virtual Risk Analysis and Reliability Training

Risk Analysis and Reliability Online Training Course

Risk Analysis and Reliability Virtual Training Course

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