*VIRTUAL” – Module 2 – An Introduction to the New Gateway 2 and 3 for Key Decisions and Review for HRBs

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Online An Introduction to the New Gateway 2 and 3 for Key Decisions and Review for HRBs Training Course – Module 2

Module 2 Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the purpose of change control and any major or notifiable changes incl. any mandatory occurrence reporting to the BSR
  • Know what documentation is required by who and when
  • Timelines expected by the BSR
  • Associated charges for applications

Module 2:

Between Gateway 2 and 3 – During the Construction Phase and Building Work

Section 1: What the Law Demands

  • Once Building work commences
  • Change Control – Requirements for BSR to be informed of any Major and / or Notifiable changes during the project particularly between Gateway 2 and 3.
  • Records ‘controlled’ changes in the Change Control Plan/Log regarding Major and or Notifiable changes?

Section 2: Best practice and thinking differently

What are these:

  • Major changes
  • Notifiable changes
  • Submitting Mandatory Occurrence Notices and Reports
  • How these relate to the Golden Thread Information

Section 3: How the HSE’s BSR will operate

  • HSE’s BSR Function during this phase
  • Stopping and continuing building works related to a Major Change
  • Failing to Report a Safety Occurrence
  • Reporting incidents to the Fire Rescue Service (FRS)
  • BSR fees and charges

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £325 + Vat

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