*VIRTUAL* – Advanced After Effects

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Online Advanced Afters Effects Training Course

Advanced After Effects training course for existing users, teaching you techniques to make your motion graphics stand out from the rest.

Sessions include:

  • Advanced workflows: importing Premiere Pro clips to add special effects, or for colour correction or colour grading.
  • Keying and Content-Aware.
  • Animation and expressions.
  • Time remapping
  • Tracking.
  • 3D.

Course content

Advanced Adobe Creative Cloud workflow

  • Move a Premiere Pro sequence or whole Project into After Effects for complete post-production work, including visual effects, colour correction, grading and exporting
  • Create Motion Graphics Templates for use in Premiere Pro
  • Integrate Photoshop and Illustrator files into your After Effects workflow
  • Create shape layers from Illustrator files
  • Create text layers from Photoshop files
  • Import Photoshop and Illustrator files with layers and blend modes
  • Archiving your After Effects projects
  • Consolidating files for archiving

Keying and Content-Aware tools

  • Keylight – powerful plugin for removing green screen backgrounds
  • Content-Aware Fill
  • Remove moving objects with Content-Aware Fill

Animation and Expressions

  • Create your own text animators
  • Text on a path animations
  • Create object reveals effects with Trim Paths operator
  • Understanding expressions in After Effects
  • Create animated infographics with expressions
  • Create looping animations using expressions
  • Creating animated snow and rain effects

Time Remapping

  • Time remapping techniques
  • Creating slow motion and fast motion effects
  • Utilising Time Warp for slow motion techniques
  • Creating slow motion with Graph Editor


  • Tracking moving objects in videos
  • Using tracking for screen replacements
  • Tracking people in videos (blurring/pixelating people’s faces or other effects)
  • 3D tracking – learn to get the most out of the built-in 3D Cameras Tracker effect. Exclude objects and people from the tracker and specify regions to track using masks
  • Mocha AE – use this plug-in to solve difficult tracks and perform screen replacements


  • Understanding 3D in After Effects
  • What can be done with 3D in After Effects?
  • Creating 3D layers
  • 3D extrusions – material options and adding depth to 3D objects
  • 3D Rendering engines in After Effects
  • Adding lights and creating shadows
  • Adding cameras and animating them


Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £245 + Vat

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Scheduled Courses:

    DateCourse NameLocationPrice (Excluding VAT)Book
    29 Nov*VIRTUAL* – Advanced After EffectsOnline - RemoteEnquire Now