Business Admin SVQ
Qualification structure
SVQ 3 Business and Administration SCQF level 6 (GK6Y 23)
Accredited from 01.08.2015
To achieve the SVQ, you must complete eight Units in total.
All the Group A mandatory Units must be completed and at least three optional Units from Group B. The remaining two Units may be selected from Group B or Group C.
A maximum of two units from IT and Finance may be selected.
Restricted combinations:
Either unit S311 or S211 may be selected but not both. a
Only one unit may be selected from S312, S212 or S213. b
Either unit S313 or S214 may be selected. c
Either unit S314 or S215 may be selected. d
Either unit S319 or S222 may be selected. e
Either unit S320 or S224 may be selected. f
Either unit S321 or S223 may be selected. g
Either unit S226 or S414 may be selected. h
Either unit S315 or S413 may be selected. i
Either unit S323 or S419 may be selected. j
Only one unit may be selected from S339a, S339b, S236a or S236b. k
Either unit S340 or S237 may be selected. l
Either unit S341 or S238 may be selected. m
Either unit S342 or S239 may be selected. n
Either unit S343 or S240 may be selected. o
Either unit S344 or S241 may be selected. p
Either unit S345 or S242 may be selected. q
Either unit S346 or S243 may be selected. r
Either unit S347 or S244 may be selected. s
Either unit S348 or S245 may be selected. t
Either unit S349 or S246 may be selected. u
Either unit S350 or S252 may be selected. v
SVQ 3 Business and Administration SCQF Level 6 – GK6Y 23
Group A Mandatory Units | |||
SQA No. | NOS No. | SSC Unit No. | Unit Title |
FD9Y 04 | CFABAA626 | S301
| Plan how to manage and improve own performance in a business environment |
FE01 04 | CFABAF173 | S302 | Review and maintain work in a business environment |
FE02 04 | CFABAA615 | S308 | Communicate in a business environment |
Group B Optional Units: 3 – 5 Units must be selected | |||
FE03 04 | CFABAG127 | S303 | Solve business problems |
FE04 04 | CFABAG1211 | S304 | Support other people to work in a business environment |
FE05 04 | CFABAG121 | S305 | Contribute to decision-making in a business environment |
FE06 04 | CFABAG123 | S306 | Contribute to negotiations in a business environment |
H987 04 | CFAM&LDB2 | S3071 | Allocate work to team members |
H988 04 | CFAM&LDB3 | S3072 | Quality assure work in your team |
FE08 04 | CFABAA121 | S322 | Supervise an office facility |
FE09 04 | CFABAA151 | S324 | Contribute to running a project |
FE0X 04 | CFABAA212 | S311 | Design and produce documents in a business environment a |
FE11 04 | CFABAA213c | S312 | Prepare text from notes using touch typing (60 wpm) b |
FE0Y 04 | CFABAD311b | S313 | Prepare text from shorthand (80 wpm) c |
FE10 04 | CFABAD312b | S314 | Prepare text from recorded audio instruction (60 wpm) d |
FE0T 04 | CFABAA312 | S319 | Organise and co-ordinate events e |
FE0V 04 | CFABAA412 | S320 | Plan and organise meetings f |
FE0W 04 | CFABAA322 | S321 | Organise business travel or accommodation g |
H989 04 | CFABAC121 | S325 | Deliver, monitor and evaluate customer service to internal and/or external customers |
FE0D 04 | CFABAA617 | S309 | Develop a presentation |
FE0E 04 | CFABAA623 | S310 | Deliver a presentation |
FE0F 04 | CFABAD111 | S315 | Support the design and development of information systems i |
FE0G 04 | CFABAD131 | S316 | Monitor information systems |
FE0H 04 | CFABAD322 | S317 | Analyse and report data |
FE0J 04 | CFABAF131 | S318 | Order products and services |
H68K 04 | CFAM&LEA4 | M&LEA4 | Manage budgets |
FE0L 04 | CFABAA112 | S323 | Contribute to innovation in a business environment j |
FE0M 04 | CFABAB141 | S329 | Provide administrative support in schools |
FN75 04 | SFJCHCC061 | S351 | Verify Critical Dates for Sentences |
FN76 04 | SFJCHCC068 | S352 | Verify the Release Process |
FN7A 04 | CFAAA121 | S353 | Administer Agricultural Records |
FN7C 04 | CFAAA122 | S354 | Make Agricultural Returns, Applications and Claims |
FN77 04 | CFABAB111 | S355 | Administer Legal Files |
FN78 04 | CFABAB112 | S356 | Build Case Files |
FN79 04 | CFABAB113 | S357 | Manage Case Files |
H98A 04 | CFASPA2 | S330
| Administer parking and traffic challenges, representations and civil parking appeals |
FE0P 04 | CFASPA3 | S331 | Administer statutory parking and traffic appeals |
FE0R 04 | CFASPA4 | S332 | Administer parking and traffic debt recovery |
A maximum of 2 Units* can be selected from IT Units | |||
F9AR 04 | ESKIBS3 | S339 | Bespoke software 3 k |
F9AW 04 | ESKISS3 | S339 | Specialist software 3 k |
F9C3 04 | ESKIDMS3 | S340 | Data management software 3 l |
F9C6 04 | ESKIDB3 | S341 | Database software 3 m |
F99F 04 | ESKIIPU3 | S342 | Improving productivity using IT 3 n |
F99V 04 | ESKIITS3 | S343 | IT security for users 3 o |
F9CV 04 | ESKIPS3 | S344 | Presentation software 3 p |
F99L 04 | ESKISIS3 | S345 | Setting up an IT system 3 q |
F9D2 04 | ESKISS3 | S346 | Spreadsheet software 3 r |
F9A8 04 | ESKIUCT3 | S347 | Using collaborative technologies 3 s |
F9D5 04 | ESKIWS3 | S348 | Website software 3 t |
F9D8 04 | ESKIWP3 | S349 | Word processing software 3 u |
F9A5 04 | ESKIEML3 | S350 | Using email 3v |
Group C Optional Units: 0 – 2 Units must be selected | |||
F93T 04 | CFABAA211 | S211 | Produce documents in a business environment a |
FD9W 04 | CFABAA213 | S212 | Prepare text from notes b |
FD9X 04 | CFABAA213b | S213 | Prepare text from notes using touch typing (40 wpm) b |
FD9T 04 | CFABAA311a | S214 | Prepare text from shorthand (60 wpm) c |
FD9V 04 | CFABAD312a | S215 | Prepare text from recorded audio instruction (40 wpm) d |
FD9N 04 | CFABAA311 | S222 | Support the organisation and co-ordination of events e |
FD9P 04 | CFABAA321 | S223 | Support the organisation of business travel or accommodation g |
FD9R 04 | CFABAA411 | S224 | Support the organisation of meetings f |
FD94 04 | CFABAA612 | S209 | Handle mail |
F93X 04 | CFABAC312 | S210 | Provide reception services |
FD96 04 | CFABAC311 | S250 | Meet and welcome visitors |
H983 04 | CFABAA622 | S206 | Use voicemail message systems |
FD92 04 | CFABAA431 | S207 | Use a diary system |
FD93 04 | CFABAA441 | S208 | Take minutes |
H984 04 | CFABAD321 | S216 | Collate and organise data |
FD98 04 | CFABAD323 | S217 | Research information |
H559 04 | CFABAD332 | S218 | Store and retrieve information using a filing system |
FD99 04 | CFABAD334 | S219 | Provide archive services |
FD9A 04 | CFABAD121 | S226 | Support the management and development of an information system h |
H98C 04 | CFABAD112 | S413 | Design and develop an information system i |
FE1M 04 | CFABAF141 | S414 | Manage and evaluate information systems h |
F93V 04 | CFABAA111 | S220 | Use office equipment |
H985 04 | CFABAB151 | S221 | Maintain and issue stock items |
FD9F 04 | CFABAB131 | S225 | Respond to change in a business environment |
H98D 04 | CFABAA113 | S419 | Explore ideas for innovation in a business environment j |
FM4W 04 | CFAMLC5 | S420 | Plan change |
FD9G 04 | CFABAB151 | S227 | Administer HR records |
FD9H 04 | CFABAB152 | S228 | Administer the recruitment and selection process |
FD9J 04 | CFABAB131 | S251 | Administer parking dispensations |
H982 04 | CFABAE141 | S112 | Use occupational and safety guidelines when using a workstation |
FN6W 04 | SFJCHCC062 | S253 | Process court documentation |
FN9M 04 | SFJCHCC069 | S254 | Contribute to maintaining security and protecting individuals’ rights in the custodial environment |
FN6X 04 | SFJCHCC060 | S255 | Calculate critical dates for sentences |
FN6Y 04 | SFJCHCC063 | S256 | Make administrative arrangements for the movement of individuals outside the custodial establishment |
FN70 04 | SFJCHCC064 | S257 | Administer documentation for the appeals process |
FN71 04 | SFJHCC065 | S258 | Administer Personal Money for the Individuals in Custody |
FN72 04 | SFJCHCC066 | S259 | Prepare Documentation to Help Authorities Decide on the Conditions on Which to Release Individuals from Custody |
FN74 04 | SFJCHCC067 | S260 | Make Administrative Arrangements for the Release of Individuals from Custody |
A maximum of 2 Units* can be selected from IT and Finance Units | |||
FD8V 04 | FSP P2 | S125 | Calculate pay |
FD9K 04 | FSP P4 | S247 | Control payroll |
FD9L 04 | FSP FA3 | S248 | Account for income and expenditure |
FD9M 04 | FSP FA5 | S249 | Draft financial statements |
F9AP 04 | SFJCHCC066 | S236 | Bespoke software 2 k |
F9AV 04 | SFJCHCC067 | S236 | Specialist software 2 k |
F9C2 04 | ESKIBS2 | S237 | Data management software 2 l |
F9C5 04 | ESKISS2 | S238 | Database software 2 m |
F99E 04 | ESKIDMS2 | S239 | Improving productivity using IT 2 n |
F99T 04 | ESKIDB2 | S240 | IT security for users 2 o |
F9CT 04 | ESKIIPU2 | S241 | Presentation software 2 p |
F99K 04 | ESKIITS2 | S242 | Setting up an IT system 2 q |
F9D1 04 | ESKIPS2 | S243 | Spreadsheet software 2 r |
F9A7 04 | ESKISIS2 | S244 | Using collaborative technologies 2 s |
F9D4 04 | ESKISS2 | S245 | Website software 2 t |
F9D7 04 | ESKIUCT2 | S246 | Word processing software 2 u |
F9A4 04 | ESKIWS2 | S252 | Using email 2v |