*NEW* Temporary Works Design – Below Ground

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Temporary Works Design Training – Below Ground


Temporary Works is a particular source of risk on site, both from a safety and commercial point of view. Following a series of collapses in the 1970’s, the Bragg report and subsequently BS 5975 were produced, to assist designers and users of temporary works.

The industry still recognises today, along with the HSE, the risks associated with temporary works with the competency of the designer being a key point of concern.

Correct design, co-ordination and execution of temporary works is essential to the overall requirement of any project to be completed in accordance with safety, time and budget, health and environmental constraints.

Temporary Works design is different from design of permanent works in several respects, including:

 Importance of understanding site operations and constraints
 Need to work closely with the contractor
 Importance of erection methods and co-ordination

Temporary Works therefore has a code of practice BS5975 that in addition to technical issues also contains a section on procedural control and co-ordination.

This course is one of two courses on temporary works design, this one focussing on works below ground, and is complemented by a similar course focussing on works above ground.

The course encourages the exchange of experience by means of delegate comments and questions, group discussion, and team exercises. The courses are equally suitable for contractors, consultants and specialist sub-contractors.

The tutor is a highly experienced Chartered Civil, with 20 years experience of temporary works with major national contractors and a specialist temporary works consultancy.

The course has been developed for:

 Design engineers wishing to specialise in temporary works as a general introduction to the basics of the subject
 Temporary Works Co-ordinators, managers, site engineers, estimators and planners with a general knowledge of engineering design wanting an understanding of design of basic temporary works for which they may be responsible

 Ability to design / check minor temporary works
 Knowledge of how site conditions affect the design of temporary works
 Knowledge of the processes involved in temporary works design
 Knowledge of procedures in temporary works design, including temporary works coordination, in accordance with BS5975


The course starts at 09:00 and finishes at 17:00 with refreshment breaks mid-morning, lunchtime and mid-afternoon.

All timings except the start time are approximate and may be adjusted to suit natural breaks in the lesson.

Additional information

There are companion courses to the below ground design course

 Temporary Works Design – Above Ground
 Temporary Works Coordination

Course Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £300 + VAT


Temporary Works Design below ground training Scotland, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness, Aberdeen and onsite courses available throughout the UK.

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