*New* Fire Resistance in Steel Structures Training

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Fire Resistance in Steel Structures

About the Course
Fire resistance design of steel and composite structures has moved a long way from the prescriptive approach of selecting fire protection thickness from tabulated data to achieve prescribed fire resistance rating to quantification of structural performance under fire conditions based on first principles. This transfor-mation has brought enormous benefits to the building construction industry, to optimise fire safety resources and to deliver improved fire safety.
This course will provide a systematic introduction to fire safety design of steel and composite structures, based on Part 1.2 (fire safety) of Eurocodes 1, 3 and 4. The main emphasis of this course is on understanding the fundamental principles to help the learner to confi-dently build up their knowledge in this specialist sub-ject. Examples and practical applications will be pre-sented to illustrate detailed design calculations and importance of structural fire engineering.

Basics of fire resistance design: requirements, gen-eral procedure, material properties, loads
Design fires and steel structure temperature calcu-lations
Fire resistance design of steel and composite ele-ments to Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 4 Part 1.2
Fire protection methods for steel structures
Application of fire engineering to steel structures: tensile membrane action, concrete filled tubes and whole building behaviour
Post fire assessment methods for steel structures

About the Lecturer
Yong Wang is Professor and Head of Structural and Fire Engineering at the University of Manchester. He has nearly 30 years of experience of research, specialist consultancy and teaching of fire safety and engineering of structures. Before joining the University of Manchester in 1997, he was with the Building Research Establishment and a core member of the BRE team that carried out the ground-breaking Cardington structural fire research programme. He is a member of the British Standards Institution committee BS/525/-/32 on fire safety of structures and BSI committee BS/525/4 on composite structures. He is a member of the CEN (Committee for European Standardisation) Project Team SC4.T4 (developing a new method for fire resistance design of concrete filled tubular columns), Project Team SC3.T6 (revision of Eurocode 3 Part 1.2, fire safety design of steel structures), and CEN Eurocode 4 Working Group 2 (responsible for development of Eurocode 4 Part 1.2). He is the author of the Tata Steel Europe guide on fire re-sistance design of concrete filled tubes. This guide, together with the accompanying software FireSoft, is the UK’s Non-Contradictory, Complimen-tary Information for fire resistance design of concrete filled tubes. He is a co-author of the Thomas Telford publication “Designers guide to EN 1991-1-2, EN 1993-1-2, EN 1994-1-2: Fire engineering (actions on steel and composite structures”. He has published a number of books and numerous research papers on the subject and has been teaching Fire Engineering of Structures at the University of Manchester for nearly 20 years.

About the Modules

Basics of fire resistance design: requirements, general procedure, material properties, loads
This lecture will present the requirements of fire resistance construction, introduce the options and procedure of structural fire resistance design, provide information on key material properties at elevated temperatures, and specify design loads for fire safety design of struc-tures.

Design fires and steel structure temperature calculations
Fire resistance design of structures consists of three general steps: determination of the design fire, in terms of its temperature-time rela-tionship, calculation of structural temperatures, and assessment of load carrying capacity at elevated temperatures. This lecture will de-scribe various fire temperature-time curves according to Eurocode 1 Part 1.2 and methods of calculating steel temperatures according to Eurocode 3 Part 1.2.

Fire resistance design of steel and composite elements to Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 4 Part 1.2
This lecture will explain how the load carrying capacity of steel and composite elements at elevated temperatures can be calculated when the structural temperatures are given, and how the limiting temperature can be calculated when the applied loads are given. It will explain how to choose appropriate methods for different situations.

Fire protection methods for steel structures
This lecture will introduce different methods of fire protection of steel structures, including both external and internal fire protections, their applicability and fire resistance capability. It will also introduce thermal properties of fire protection materials and give some guidance on selecting reliable data.

Application of fire engineering to steel structures: tensile membrane action, concrete filled tubes and whole building behaviour
Structural fire engineering is the practice of using engineering principles to achieve the requirements of fire safety of structures. It can be applied to optimise fire protection to steel structures and to tackle complex issues of interactions in whole structural behaviour in fire. This lecture will provide detailed introduction to two methods that can be used to eliminate external fire protection to steel structures: tensile membrane action in floor slabs and concrete filled tubular columns. It will also introduce different aspects of structural interaction under fire conditions and their implications.

Post fire assessment methods for steel structures
In many cases, the structural engineer is called to deal with the assessment and repair of fire damaged structures. This lecture will explain the strategy of assessing fire damaged steel structures, describe methods of obtaining temperature and mechanical properties of steel, and methods of structural repair.

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £385 + VAT

Fire Resistance in Steel Structures Training Scotland, Inverness, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and onsite courses throughout Scotland

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