Introduction to Traffic Signing

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Course duration: 1 Day

Cost: £275 + VAT


Session 1 – The Language of the Road

Discussion of signing as a means of communication with road users

Session 2 – Road safety and human factors

The impact (adverse and beneficial)of signing on road safety and the needs of road users

Session 3 – Environmental Impacts

Including examples of how to get the balance right

Session 4 – Design Principles

Including the derivation of sign sizes and sight distances

Session 5 – Design principles

Sign face design (eg, terms such as x-height, how a sign face is designed but not the “design rules” per se)

Session 6 – Regulatory signs

The relationship with traffic orders and enforcement

Session 7 – The Traffic Signs Regulations

The statutory basis

Session 8 – The Traffic Signs Manual

Session 9 – Other design sources including the DMRB

Session 10 – Direction signing

Including strategies and the different types of direction signing

Session 11 – Sign illumination

Including signface materials

Session 12 – Implementation

Session 13 – Maintenance


Peter Monger MSc DMS CEng MICE MIHT

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